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by LaUser
Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:25 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: WiFi repeater or range extender
Replies: 19
Views: 4514

Re: WiFi repeater or range extender

Buffalo made a router/bridge. But they were successfully sued and stopped making them. You can find them on eBay, such as this Buffalo Wireless G MIMO Router WHR-HP-G54 802.11g. You get two. One is the router that you hook up to your cable/dsl modem. The second is a bridge that communicates back to the router and extends the range. They have four (4) Ethernet ports and you can connect to them via Ethernet cables if you want. If you have a PC that does not have a wireless card, but has an Ethernet port, you can plug the PC into the Router/Bridge with an Ethernet cable. I use this set up at home. That was before the law suit.

Before I switched to Buffalo, I used a Linksys range extended. It was their first iteration and a BIG PITA to set up. Maybe the newer generation of the Linksys range expander is easier to set up.

Other than that, you can get the same thing with Linksys but you have to burn DD-WRT. It would take some research on the net to learn everything you need to know to do this with Linksys.

Now if you have more money to play with, Apple Airport Extreme and Apple Airport Express would work perfectly. It does not require Apple Mac to set up or use. The Apple Airport Extreme would be the router and the Airport Express units would be the bridges. The Airport Express plugs in any power outlet. It has a single Ethernet port, a USB port, and one audio output jack used with iTunes and remote speakers or stereo system. eBay is a good place to look for used units at more reasonable prices than Apple, who does now allow discounts on new equipment.

Hail to the Cheese

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