There are some states that require you to exit the car when stopped. Don't know if FL is one.Topbuilder wrote:I feel for the guy. Stay in the vehicle. Papers in hand, hands on the wheel by the time officer gets to your window. Hand it all over when asked. It's just not that hard. Trust me. I have A L O T of experience in the matter.
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Return to “Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure”
- Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:29 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure
- Replies: 56
- Views: 11938
Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure
- Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:28 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Fla: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Exposure
- Replies: 56
- Views: 11938
Re: Conceal Carry Holder Arrested for Incidental Expsure
dihappy wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
can never get the youtube links to work
" onclick=";return false;
There I fixed it for you. Just need to delete "www".
I saw that video yesterday elsewhere. It happened in FL. Not sure when.