Well said. I ride fairly regularly, and there's no way I could either dial 911 or draw a pistol while riding. I've got three choices:Dead Rooster wrote:For those of us on bikes, sometimes the only way to deal with road ragers is to pull over.
ignore them and hope they don't bump me (or worse)
stop and get off the bike
I'm only 6' tall and 180#, so I don't have the same visual intimidation as the Rooster. So who knows what would happen next. I'd hate to be fumbling with my helmet, gloves, and cell phone when I get charged by the road raging idiot. My priorities would be:
get the gloves off so I can either dial a mobile or draw a pistol if need be
defuse if possible
call, fight, or fire as needed
Of course, reality has a way of making pretty plans pear shaped...