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by jbenat
Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:45 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Called out on second day of carry!!
Replies: 64
Views: 16473

+1 for the Rancher!!!

Tx Rancher:
Very well said! Unfortunately, things have changed. If you want to carry a back pack go for it, but just remember, in certain situations it can look suspicous and you will be inconvienced. :sad:
There are cases where muslem women want their driver's license picture taken in a bursa so that their picture looks like a walking black tent. They think their rights have been infringed upon also. Common sense must prevail! :roll:
by jbenat
Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:13 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Called out on second day of carry!!
Replies: 64
Views: 16473

Hoppes; You have made some very good points. How I miss the old days before 9/11. Those days will probably never return, at least not in my life time.

Txinvestigator; Thanks for enlightening me. Guess the search issue is not so simple and black and white as I thought. :oops:
by jbenat
Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:12 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Called out on second day of carry!!
Replies: 64
Views: 16473

Liberty Quote;
Maybe he had something valuable he didn't want someone to get. I wouldn't let anyone search me, unless it was a police officer, and He had a warrent or I actually had a concealed weapon.
This is America, and we have some rights. If folks don't like my crappy car my backback, fannypacks or whatever, they can leave. But darn it we have certain rights to privacy. and I can't remember when the last time in America someones backpack blew up and killed anyone. The transfat laced popcorn in the movietheater kills more Americans than exploding backpacks.

I like liberty and freedom as much as anyone. But while your worried about important things like losing your freedom to wear a back pack in a crowded theatre and transfat laced popcorn I'm more conserned with my lose of liberty to go to crowded places and events without worrying about some idiot with a back pack full of C4. If it hasn't happened in America yet it probably will. It has happened in other places around the world. Unless you are a homeless person it's not likely you have to carry your valuables around with you in a back pack. Try carrying a back pack on a airplane sometime. Times have changed in case you haven't noticed. :shock:
By the way, a cop can search anyone suspected of a crime or of criminal intent without a warrant. :roll:
by jbenat
Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:20 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Called out on second day of carry!!
Replies: 64
Views: 16473

You are not paranoid enough....

Hoppes wrote:
NcongruNt wrote:
LedJedi wrote:hmmm, if it's discernable... now see I would personally interpret that as obvious printing being illegal.
It is only failure to conceal if you did it intentionally. Intent is what is specified in the law, which others have posted above.
To your knowledge, is "Intentionally clearly defined in the statutes or laws?

Just a couple of days ago, I took my daughter to see the latest Die Hard
movie. A guy driving a beat up old station wagon got out of his car about the same time we did. He had to bring a back pack in for some reason and he happened to go to the same movie. I watched this guy like a hawk because he exhibited actions and characteristic movements that led me to believe he had something very valuable or secret in the bck pack.

I was suspicious of him. Although I did not see anything printed, I suppose I am the ordinary Joe and from my past experience, it was on my mind to anticipate that this guy could have had a C4 bomb or firearm in the bag. I was happy to get my daughter and me out of the theatre safely after the movie.

Am I being paranoid because the guy had a back pack? It just seemed strange that he would bring it in unless it was something valuable he didn't want possibly stolen while he was watching the movie or something worse. He was really clutching that pack nervously a few times.
Because you were worried about being paranoid you took a big gamble with your life, your daughter's life and the life of everyone it the theater. Before 9/11/01 I would have thought nothing of this but today I would be very suspicious. I think you should have notified theatre management and got out of the area until he was checked out. There is no reason a person going to a movie has to carry a back pack in. It could have been left at home or locked in the car if anything of value was in it that he was so conserned out. It is our duty to protect each other to be on the look out for this type of behaviour. Maybe he was just testing the system this time to see if he could get away with it and he did. Who knows but we should be alert at all times now days.
I don't see why movie management let in in the first place. I know they would at least be very interested to see if he were smuggling in any snacks like candy bars that he didn't pay $3.00 for at the concession stand. :roll:
by jbenat
Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:07 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Called out on second day of carry!!
Replies: 64
Views: 16473

This will change the subject...

Just tell anyone who asks that you are wearing a colostomy (Sp?) bag. That will end that conversation and completely elliminate any hugs. :shock:

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