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by troglodyte
Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:28 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mean streets of Dallas - Unprovoked attack on woman in downtown
Replies: 61
Views: 43511

Re: Mean streets of Dallas - Texas State Fair shooting

Jose_in_Dallas wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:00 pm For those that have been to the Fair this year, have you noticed a change in their security procedures going through the gates?
We've been the last 3 years.

Year 1 - Entered through the stockman's gate both days. Never had anyone question, look at our tickets, or even glance our way. I guess they thought we were with the folks bringing livestock, even though you couldn't bring livestock through that gate and we didn't really look like someone that would be bringing livestock.

Year 2 - First day went through gates/metal detectors (or whatever they are called). Presented LTC to attendant who pointed us toward officer sitting in elevated stand. Officer looked at LTC, told us to keep them concealed, and wished us a good day. Second day, went through stockman's gate.

Year 3/a couple of weeks ago - See my post above.

Others in our party pushed a stroller around the detectors. It was not checked. It seems that they are more concerned with the person and checking bags, and even then, I don't know that they checked them thoroughly.

There is no security if someone can enter an unattended, or minimally attended gate, and not checked or items, i.e. strollers aren't checked. Any "security" they have at other gates is moot.
by troglodyte
Sun Oct 15, 2023 7:24 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mean streets of Dallas - Unprovoked attack on woman in downtown
Replies: 61
Views: 43511

Re: Mean streets of Dallas - Texas State Fair shooting

The State Fair allows Licensed Concealed Carry. They do not allow open carry or permitless carry.

We were down there a couple of weeks ago. As you enter you go through a metal detector. I showed the attendant my LTC card and he, politely, escorted me to the police officer. The officer looked at my card, asked me to keep in concealed, and encouraged me to have a good day.

The second day we entered, we went through a side gate near the livestock shows. The attendant couldn't get our tickets to scan so he waved us through. No metal detector, and the other attendant with the wand, didn't even look at us.

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