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by surprise_i'm_armed
Sun Nov 05, 2017 5:39 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting
Replies: 342
Views: 93893

Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church attacked 16 shot breaking

Having an LCP on you certainly beats having something in your bride's purse,
but consider this:

I don't know your personal preference for church attire, but myself, I always wear a sport jacket
or suit jacket to church. This allows me to carry 2 pistols: my Ruger SR9C, 17 + 1, in an OWB holster
on my right hip, as well as my XDS45, 5 + 1, in my right front pants pocket.

With this setup I have 24 rounds on me, and could hand off one of the pistols to a friend if something
went bad at church.

I would suggest to any and all that wearing a sport jacket or suit jacket will allow you to greatly increase
your round count & caliber during church services.

Now if I could just convince my LTC gal who sits near to me to get over herself and bring her Colt wheelgun
every week, instead of feeling "funny" about church carry. She knows it's legal. Sheesh. :-)


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