With such a long driveway and the LEO's quite a ways from you, responsetime-wise,
it seems a nice addition to your property would be a driveway gate which you could
close and lock at night.
I know people in rural Texas who have long driveways, and gates that they
close whenever they are home for the night. Sure, it all costs some money,
but a good gate can negate the use of your shotgun. :-)
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- Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:35 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Incident with aggressor after facebook post.
- Replies: 29
- Views: 9326
- Tue Aug 28, 2018 12:13 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Incident with aggressor after facebook post.
- Replies: 29
- Views: 9326
Re: Incident with aggressor after facebook post.
OP: Your account is interesting. Thank you for the opportunity for all of us to
Monday morning quarterback your situation.
Here's something I noticed from your account: You did have a gun on you when you
went outside. That's good.
But when you spoke with the BG, you were close enough to converse with him through
his open truck window, which means you were pretty close to him.
Should he have raised up a gun and fired through his open window, did you have ANY
cover available to you?
Close enough to speak with someone is close enough for that someone to throw some
lead your way.
Please follow up with the law. Sometimes BG's may back off if they know the law is
aware of their anti-social behavior.
Make sure you and the bride carry your guns on you.
By the way, given your "big454" screen name I assume that you are referring to the Chevy 454
cubic inch big block V8.
FYI: If you are not familiar with the song "455 Rocket", go to Youtube and watch the video.
It's done by that cutie Kathy Mattea (sp?), who sings the praises of the 455 Rocket V8
Oldsmobile that she had.
She states "biggest block alive" or somesuch. However, as far as American V8's go, I
believe that Cadillacs were available with 502's, which would be bigger than a 455.
Trivia fact: 1 Liter = 61.2 cubic inches.
So, today's common 2.0 liter engines only displace 122 cubic inches.
Monday morning quarterback your situation.
Here's something I noticed from your account: You did have a gun on you when you
went outside. That's good.
But when you spoke with the BG, you were close enough to converse with him through
his open truck window, which means you were pretty close to him.
Should he have raised up a gun and fired through his open window, did you have ANY
cover available to you?
Close enough to speak with someone is close enough for that someone to throw some
lead your way.
Please follow up with the law. Sometimes BG's may back off if they know the law is
aware of their anti-social behavior.
Make sure you and the bride carry your guns on you.
By the way, given your "big454" screen name I assume that you are referring to the Chevy 454
cubic inch big block V8.
FYI: If you are not familiar with the song "455 Rocket", go to Youtube and watch the video.
It's done by that cutie Kathy Mattea (sp?), who sings the praises of the 455 Rocket V8
Oldsmobile that she had.
She states "biggest block alive" or somesuch. However, as far as American V8's go, I
believe that Cadillacs were available with 502's, which would be bigger than a 455.
Trivia fact: 1 Liter = 61.2 cubic inches.
So, today's common 2.0 liter engines only displace 122 cubic inches.