I have always used "tackle bags" with several zippered pockets on the outside of the main compartment. They can be found for under 20 bucks, so 2 or three set aside for various purposes won't break the bank. I keep one with 100 rounds of 12 guage range ammo, bore snake, screw drivers, glasses, ear plugs, choke tubes, and other shotgunning stuff. Another bag for rifle stuff and rifle ammo that could be used for "bug out" if needed. And one bag that sees the most action for handgun stuff. The handgun bag always has small tools, extra ear plugs, various ammo, Ruger 22/45 (always in it's case in the bag) and the weapons of the day. All my gun bags are ready to go... just add gun
As for hearing, I prefer plugs most of the time since muffs just don't normally want to cooperate with long guns.
On a budget, I could outfit myself adequately for a hundred bucks.