Are others as disappointed as I am (although not surprised) by the fact that the media, particularly Fox News (I can't speak for the others) has constantly reported in this story that Texas just passed a law this year that allows citizens to carry firearms into a place of worship? Yep, it's true according to the media that we've all (at least us more seasoned ones) been told to trust as fact. By golly, that Governor Abbot guy is responsible for passing this new law to allow just regular old citizens to take guns to church.
Even in their total ignorance though, they at least seem to be on the side of lawful armed citizens.
My hope is that this story won't fade away, seeming to leave the two brave defenders to appear to have died in vain. I'd like to see the totality of this incident pushed to the forefront and see the "media" have to get serious in reporting true facts .... all of them.
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Return to “Church shooting in Tarrant County - White Settlement”
- Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:08 pm
- Forum: The Crime Blotter
- Topic: Church shooting in Tarrant County - White Settlement
- Replies: 181
- Views: 63364
- Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:53 pm
- Forum: The Crime Blotter
- Topic: Church shooting in Tarrant County - White Settlement
- Replies: 181
- Views: 63364
Re: Church shooting in Tarrant County - White Settlement
are we back to using the term "church security team" rather than "church safety team"? I may be a bit behind on the accepted terminology.