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by powerboatr
Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:37 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino: Fire Dept.
Replies: 143
Views: 20442

Re: Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino: Fire Dept.

and the FBI in DC this afternoon finally stated in a press conference it is terrosism, and will be investigated as such. Even loretta lynch was there, although i suspect to keep the director on point. He said there were indicators of outside influence?
so much for jv teams and the like
doubt very seriously if these two were all there were, the dribble of info if eye opening. Hopefully soon we see a bunch of arrests and details. ... .html?_r=0
by powerboatr
Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:48 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino: Fire Dept.
Replies: 143
Views: 20442

Re: Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino: Fire Dept.

jed wrote: ... 14943.html

"The suspects "had 1,400 .223 caliber rounds and 200 9 mm rounds on their person," Burguan said.

Farook and Malik were reportedly armed with four guns: two semiautomatic handguns and two .223-caliber assault rifles, all of which were purchased legally, according to Burguan.

When police searched the suspects' home, they found "several hundred” .22 long rifle rounds, "12 pipe bomb-type devices" in the garage, "hundreds of tools, many of which could be used to construct IEDs or pipe bombs," 2,000 9mm rounds, and 2,500 .223 rounds of ammunition. "

Yep, sounds like run of the mill work place violence to me.
not to make light of the situation, but i cant even get 22lr rounds to go target shooting, in more than a 50 rnd box.

from a cost point. these two had tons of resources outlaid in ammunition and bombs stuffs, why did they go silent for for almost 4 hrs... it could have been very worse if they had walked into the nearby school or mall.
something is not adding up with the amount of ammunition on them and at their home, what was the next play? did they get spooked or chicken out?
by powerboatr
Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:57 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino: Fire Dept.
Replies: 143
Views: 20442

Re: Authorities Respond to Report of ’20 Victim Shooting’ Incident in San Bernardino: Fire Dept.

i am so happy to read others are having the same SANE thought process. It obvious that this tragedy is heartbreaking in feelings we all share for the victims and their families.

I was thinking the same thing, about chl holders and if one or two were there armed, would it have been a different result? Like to think yes.

I couldnt find out about the story the male shooter(terrorist) was an employee that had been on baby leave for 6 months, then comes to a "christmas" party for the employees, maybe it was upsetting becasue it was a Holiday party with christian theme?

really sad potus this morning paraded down the lane of bodies to say we need more legislation...really !!
pipe bombs are not something you buy at gander mountain or a, dare i say gun show.

not to be insensitive, but maybe we need a ban on extremist Islam...right it worked for high capacity magazines and so called assault type rifles.
cair coming out to play damage control and attempted to taint the witnesses is unbelievable, you could see the wheels spinning like Debbie Wassermann Schultz

then harry ried, telling lawmakers they fear nra more ....OMG

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