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by powerboatr
Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:29 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

parabelum wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:15 pm And now, the commies are coming after Biden. Welcome to the world you have created.

“ Biden target of profane graffiti in Portland, as crowd smashes windows at Democratic campaign office” ... -vandalism
yep they wont be happy until they exclude everyone???? wait isn't that fascist? :biggrinjester:
they love you one day, then want to kill you the next, yep seems like we have seen this before a few decades before. tow the line and how dare you question the motives of them. off to the firing squad and then to the russian front
by powerboatr
Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:05 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

Ruark wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:18 am I'd stock up on more ammo if it weren't so expensive right now.

It's not just these BLM/Antifa loonies, Biden is also going to immediately cancel Trumps ban on entries from terrorist enclaves ("muslim-majority") countries in the middle east and Africa, and expand the cap on entries with "refugee" status from 15,000 to 150,000. No telling who will be walking our streets now. After these initial moves, he'll start on the gun bans and tearing down the oil industry. Trump's lawsuits are like a dying ember in a rainstorm, a very faint glimmer of hope. Then God help us if we lose the Senate.
been buying it everywhere i can find it in good quantities

blm and anitfa, have no regard for who is in the white house, only to cause hate and murder. until the feds come in hard and heavy they are not going to stop. governors and mayors that give them safe harbor need to be held accountable.

the "so called muslim door opening" harkens back to clinton years . free food for all, except hard working folks
by powerboatr
Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:35 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

stationed or deployed overseas we were always taught to keep a few vehicle lenghts from those around you, know curb heights and your vehicles capabilities .. just like not sitting near windows that face the street and knowing where the exits are in a building.

we practice this here.
but in the Bus its harder to maintain the safe zones and you really have to be looking as far ahead as possible.
different time we are in. we still travel, but do it different .
by powerboatr
Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

i saw a video yesterday of a person driving what looked like a large RV and was stopped at a red light or stop sign ( the video was unclear). The car in front of the RV, got out of her car and opened trunk and then proceeded to bash out the drivers side windows of the RV. The driver videoed it, but took no action.
my concern, is the woman with the bat was a clear threat of safety and security of the RV driver. If he had simply drove forward and pushed her car out of the way, i am sure it would be a no brainier in regards to law enforcement. But also , the threat was real and the driver was in danger. would actions by him be justified, if he had put a few rounds into her to stop the threat to his safety or life. you know , a few through her arms or wrists to stop the threat?? This is the 2nd such video of similar incidents , where a large RV was stopped on a highway and hoodlums climbed up on top and were dancing and jumping on the roof, and prying open open baggage doors. the driver IMO should have simply floored the throttle and then apply brakes in a rapid fashion to remove such hoodlums from top of the RV, maybe some would have been run over or suffer injuries from falling 12 feet to the hard concrete.
I drive a large RV and both of these incidents, bother me and give me concern on how to counter the bad folks while protecting my family. portable speed bumps disguised as humans, blocking roadways, willfully choose to endanger their own lives and as such if get run over. I want to be protected as much as possible in the eyes of the law.
by powerboatr
Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

with all the protests and burning down of property and congress in a tizzy about renaming bases and or ships. When does congress abolish the congressional black caucus? only people that can be members of it are black people. so in itself its racist, and being run by racist congressional leadership.
by powerboatr
Thu Jun 11, 2020 9:32 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

and all these turkeys forget the south is the reason slavery ended. the north wanted it to stay in place because of low priced cotton
by powerboatr
Thu Jun 11, 2020 3:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

philip964 wrote: Thu Jun 11, 2020 1:39 pm ... to-lady-a/

Lady Antebellum changing their name to Lady A to avoid association with slavery.

Antebellum is from the Latin "before the war". ... ked-cases/

Walmart to no longer keep muticultural hair products in locked cases.
OM goodness this is getting out of hand. one more reason to stop listening to them. nascar died yesterday, live pd, cops...wholly cowburgers. will cotton be renamed fluffed and ginned plant based fibers?
by powerboatr
Sun May 31, 2020 3:55 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Protests - the next level?
Replies: 660
Views: 188702

Re: Protests - the next level?

The Annoyed Man wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:11 am
03Lightningrocks wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 8:17 am
cirus wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 8:12 am
03Lightningrocks wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 6:13 am
chasfm11 wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 5:44 am
The Annoyed Man wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:32 pm Your car packs more impact energy than any handgun. If someone is trying to smash their way into my car, they’re going to get run over....end of story. You might be able to shoot your way out of a deadly confrontation with one or two people, but you can't shoot your way out of a confrontation with more people than you have bullets in your gun. I have no clue if it’s the right answer from a legal perspective, but I’d rather explain to a judge that I ran over an attacker while trying to evade a mob, than explain why I stopped in the middle of that mob and stared shooting....EVEN IF it seemed like the only option I had left at the time. And by the way, this is a powerful argument for having a dash cam running, to bolster your defense in court, in case you do have to use your front bumper to punt someone into the next county.

I am by no means against using a handgun for self defense, but it may not be the best tool for the job when you have a 2-3 ton vehicle at your disposal, and you’re safely inside of it.
To be clear, my situation was one where, by the time I got to the intersection, no one was blocking my way or even attempting to do so. That had not been the case less than a minute before for the drivers 10 cars ahead of me. If the path forward is my only path out of the situation (middle of 3 lanes headed in my direction and cars behind me) I'll try to take that.

But the video I had seen left no drive-way option. The cars were pinned on all sides and with the protesters in front. Now the energy of the car is useless. And had the protestors continued to stop the cars in front of me, that was my exact situation. I wasn't going to run over anyone because there was no room to move the car in any direction. It is under those circumstances that the next level starts.

I've pondered getting a dash cam. But as others have pointed out in links, the facts may not matter in legal cases. The angle on any video can be critiqued as not fully representative of the situation.

Thanks for all of the links to other situations from other posters.
If my life is in danger I don't care what the legal ramifications are of staying alive. Someone smashes my window and starts pulling me out of my car will be shot. Anyone coming to continue the attack on me will also be shot. Rinse and repeat until out of rounds.
:iagree: Yeah, when they pull you from the car just go John Wick on them. That'll defuse the situation.
My hope would be that I would run out of people wanting to be shot but yeah, it would be a bad situation. It would still be better than being pulled out of the car like a sheep and beaten to death. There are times when death may be inevitable at the hands of others. Taking a few of them with me is much better than going alone with my tail tucked between my legs. We carry a firearm because we are people who are prepared to fight for our lives. Dying without even trying voids the reason to carry.
Running over members of a mob who are trying to drag you out of the car isn’t "not trying". Granted, you may have to fire through your window at the individual grabbing at you, in the process of evading the situation, but getting the heck OUT of there if at all possible is the preferred outcome, and 2-legged speedbumps who are trying to kill you deserve no consideration.

Could Reginald Denny have shot his way out of what happened to him, had he had a gun? I seriously doubt it. Last night, a FedEx driver, caught in a similar situation, stayed in his truck and bugged out. An attacker was dragged and killed. Good riddance. A video of it can be seen here: ... 82656?s=21. I didn’t embed the tweet because there’s some forbidden language in the video....but see for yourselves.

I’m seeing other truck drivers on twitter saying that if a mob tries to stop them, they’ll "FedEx 'em".

I have car insurance and a lawyer. But even if my insurance won’t pay for a new bumper, I’d rather try to drive my way out of a mob than have to shoot my way out. Shooting my way out would be the last resort, when I’m surrounded by the steel body of my SUV and still have the option of 4-wheelin' over some attackers.

Now, if I’m trapped on foot and have no other alternative, then I’ll do what I have to do. But I’d hope to be able to react with my vehicle and stay inside of it before being reduced to a last stand at the Alamo.
this conversation sure makes you wonder, I personally would not "want" to drive over a person/s, BUT if these person/s are putting me or my family or occupants in my vehicle in danger and driving over or through the "offenders" is the only option for my survival then it will be so. then maybe after in a safe place i would call 911 and give some details as what happened as not to be considered a hit and run. Same applies to my personal protection device that uses high speed projectiles . glad we live out in sticks, no way would i go to dallas or austin right now. self preservation is high on my list

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