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by shoeless
Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:02 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 1st Contact
Replies: 11
Views: 2477

Re: 1st Contact

If you have a CHL and are not carrying, you can still use the CHL lane. There are a number of congressmen and women that are now applying for their licenses, simply so they can avoid the long lines going into the Capitol building and use the CHL lane.

I didn't try to go through the regular line, so I don't know what would happen in that situation. My bride understood how significant it was for me to carry in my state capitol, so she happily took the kids through the "regular" line and let me go my way. Love that woman more everyday!
by shoeless
Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:55 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: 1st Contact
Replies: 11
Views: 2477

1st Contact

Truly uneventful, but it was my 1st contact...

Visited the Capitol Building of the Great State of Texas about 2 Saturdays ago. If you weren't aware, they have added a CHL line at all entrances to allow for CHL holders to bypass the metal detectors. Walked right up to the state trooper, presented my DL and CHL. He asked if I was carrying today, which I replied that I was. They made a quick check in their computer and sent me on my way. Very polite, even chatted a little during the wait on the computer.

Great experience with the officers involved.

Truly great experience to carry in the capitol building of this great state. Long live Texas!

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