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by sparx
Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:43 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Shooting at Virginia Tech
Replies: 104
Views: 19123

TheRising wrote:The blood of the victims is on the hands of the legislators that have effectively disarmed the aspiring youth of our college campuses. There is no greater tragedy than to lose a young mind in a needless manner and such a tragedy has occured today and could have possibly been averted. That is the tragedy and we should not stand in silence any more.

I can only pray to God that the people who are directly affected by this are able to cope with their grief and that the spineless legislators will finally remove the money of lobbyist groups from their back pockets and step up to the plate to address this problem.

May God help us all.

Jon Yimin
:iagree: Well you beat me to it Rising... I didn't see your reply until after mine was posted, but I agree 100%... it's sad, it's sick, and as nation that has let this happen it's nobody's fault but our own.
by sparx
Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:36 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Shooting at Virginia Tech
Replies: 104
Views: 19123

Will wrote:and a .22 rifle now.
I just hope that doesn't turn into a .223 rifle, then morph into an "automatic assault rifle"... already heard on the AP news video reporters describing "one of those automatic assault rifles" a policeman exited his car with.

This whole tragedy is horrendous and sad, and our prayers are definately needed, but not only for the victims and those affected. My hopes is that one or more of those affected souls will stand up and fight for the right to carry on campus just as Suzzana Hupp did for our rights to carry here in Texas, and more importantly they be listened to and have their say be effective in making a change for the better.

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