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by Pete92FS
Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:33 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Excellent encounter with Houston Police traffic enforcement
Replies: 8
Views: 2146

Re: Excellent encounter with Houston Police traffic enforcement

DrinkRaiderade wrote:Once he saw that you were not a bad guy, he let you go on your way, hopefully with little to no hassle...
No hassle at all - he was friendly, polite and professional the whole time. I was just a little on the nervious side being stopped the first time carrying.
by Pete92FS
Wed Jul 22, 2009 1:32 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Excellent encounter with Houston Police traffic enforcement
Replies: 8
Views: 2146

Re: Excellent encounter with Houston Police traffic enforcement

I had my first encounter since having my CHL with a LEO(HPD) about two weeks ago. Was leaving work around 4:30PM going up Richmond toward 610. Noticed he was following me for about a 1/4 mile when he lit me up. I was in the middle lane, gave a right turn signal and pulled into the first side street I came to. When he walked up to my vehicle and said the reason he stopped me is because he showed that my tags were expired and I politely pointed to my windshield and informed him that the tag was current. He said that they must not have updated the system yet. When he asked for my ID I handed him both my DL & CHL; he half glanced at the CHL and waved it off saying he didn't need to see that and went back to run my DL. He didn't asked if or where I was carrying. Came back with my DL and said have a nice day.

All in all a good professional stop. :tiphat: I just wonder why he ran my plates in the first place; wasn't speeding, making improper lane changes etc.

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