Personally I could care less about OC. Even if it passed I would still carry concealed; I have been to 2 states that have open carry (Georgia and Louisiana) and have yet to see anyone open carry.74novaman wrote: So if we took your approach of trying to get it all done while we have a favorable legislature (a valid point), I would rank our "goals" in this order:
1)Parking lot bill
2)Campus Carry
3)Range protection
4)Open carry
Why is open carry last? In my opinion, it does the least in regards to protections of rights already written into Texas law. I certainly want to get OC passed, but if I have to pick and choose what we get passed, it will be my last priority out of issues currently on the agenda.
Edit: Others may disagree and thats fine. I just have a real hard time understanding why people view OC as more important than parking lots or campus carry.
What I am worried about is any of the above passing if White defeats Perry this November.