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by A-R
Tue May 25, 2010 10:47 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog
Replies: 158
Views: 28764

Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

Oh man, it's already started .... someone is selling one of these "rare" and "collectable" Ruger LCPs for $500 on ..." onclick=";return false;


It's a few words and two designs stamped onto the slide, folks. Sure it's a unique (and funny) conversation piece .... but already a 50% secondary market mark up? Come on ...

by A-R
Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:47 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog
Replies: 158
Views: 28764

Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

Keith B wrote:I am assuming that he meant he racked the slide to chamber a round.

EDIT TO ADD: Unless he is beta testing the new LCP with built-in rechargable tazer. :biggrinjester:
Actually the governor carries the new direct gas impingement LCP with Badger Ordnance Tactical Charging Handle. Since Ruger went the gas piston route with their first AR-15 offering, they decided to give the traditionalists a direct impingement sysem in the new upgrade LCP.

by A-R
Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:59 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog
Replies: 158
Views: 28764

Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

The Associated Press story has been updated and expanded since this was first posted. Below is the full story with some great quotes

When asked what became of the coyote (which DPS says is legal to shoot and kill if it's attacking livestock or domestic animals), Perry said it died quickly and humanely, but he left it where it fell:
"He became mulch," Perry said.

As someone else suggested, I wouldn't put it past Perry that this a politcal set up to make him appear more "tough" and "Texan" ... but while I don't think he's above doing so, I kinda doubt it.

Of course, in other discussions I've also found these gems:

My cousin thought it VERY impressive that the governor could dispatch a coyote with one shot from a .380, after all TV shows us that coyotes are very difficult to kill - dropped from cliffs, hit on the head with anvils, shot with ACME rockets, and still they continue pursuing that Roadrunner :biggrinjester:

And someone wondered when the first saw the headline if Perry had shot a Mexican illegal immigrant smuggler :eek6
The Associated Press

Updated: 7:02 p.m. Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Published: 5:21 p.m. Tuesday, April 27, 2010

AUSTIN, Texas — Pistol-packing Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a message for wily coyotes out there: Don't mess with my dog.

Perry told The Associated Press on Tuesday he needed just one shot from the laser-sighted pistol he sometimes carries while jogging to take down a coyote that menaced his puppy during a February run near Austin.

Perry said he will carry his .380 Ruger — loaded with hollow-point bullets — when jogging on trails because he is afraid of snakes. He'd also seen coyotes in the undeveloped area.

When one came out of the brush toward his daughter's Labrador retriever, Perry charged.

"Don't attack my dog or you might get shot ... if you're a coyote," he said Tuesday.

Perry, a Republican running for a third full term against Democrat Bill White, is living in a private house in a hilly area southwest of downtown Austin while the Governor's Mansion is being repaired after a 2008 fire. A concealed handgun permit holder, Perry carries the pistol in a belt.

"I knew there were a lot of predators out there. You'll hear a pack of coyotes. People are losing small cats and dogs all the time out there in that community," Perry said.

"They're very wily creatures."

On this particular morning, Perry said, he was jogging without his security detail shortly after sunrise.

"I'm enjoying the run when something catches my eye and it's this coyote. I know he knows I'm there. He never looks at me, he is laser-locked on that dog," Perry said.

"I holler and the coyote stopped. I holler again. By this time I had taken my weapon out and charged it. It is now staring dead at me. Either me or the dog are in imminent danger. I did the appropriate thing and sent it to where coyotes go," he said.

Perry said the laser-pointer helped make a quick, clean kill.

"It was not in a lot of pain," he said. "It pretty much went down at that particular juncture."

Texas state law allows people to shoot coyotes that are threatening livestock or domestic animals. The dog was unharmed, Perry said.

Perry's security detail was not required to file a report about the governor discharging a weapon, said Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Tela Mange.

"People shoot coyotes all the time, snakes all the time," Mange said. "We don't write reports."

The governor left the coyote where it fell.

"He became mulch," Perry said.

April 27, 2010 08:02 PM EDT
Copyright 2010, The Associated Press.
by A-R
Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:50 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog
Replies: 158
Views: 28764

Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

Well at least the Governor's lil .380 is better than Texas CHL Godfather (and Land Commissioner) Jerry Patterson's .22 Mag single-action revolver .... though neither is exactly living up to the "Everything's bigger in Texas" mantra.

by A-R
Tue Apr 27, 2010 5:43 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog
Replies: 158
Views: 28764

Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

Good for Perry. Of course, I have to wonder if he "only" carries his .380 to shoot coyotes and snakes. What would he do if a "human snake" tried to mug him? Say "I'm the governor, leave me alone?"

Also, does Perry not get some armed guards that jog with him like POTUS does?

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