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by A-R
Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:40 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3891

Re: I just don't understand

gigag04 wrote:
G.A. Heath wrote: Nothing anyone has works as a good guy card. I don't care if its a CHL, Red and Blue lights, LEO ID/Badge, or anything else. Too many people pass background checks then go do something illegal afterwards.
This is the best post of the week IMO.

A BG checks associates and criminal history. Often times it is just an issue of someone that hasn't been caught, which is what I suspect in the case of that theft arrest.

In my hiring class at my agency there was a guy in the hiring process DQ'ed because he was morally OK with shoplifting. He thought everyone did it. He did it all the time.

I have the utmost respect for LEOs, but I just have to ask based on the above two posts .... would this situation be any different if the OP was a LEO himself? For instance, would a sheriff's deputy responding to a city cop's house located in the unincorporated county ask the city cop to go back inside and disarm?

I fully understand that there are no true "good guy cards". And having a CHL is NOT the same thing as a LEO badge. But I think what seems to mildly upset many CHLees (and greatly upset a few) is that these disarming tactics perhaps exhibit some lack of respect for CHLees?

Personally, I would do exactly what the OP did, comply with request, and not worry too much more about it. But I definitely understand his confusion and perhaps even mild resentment at being asked to do so, especially under the circumstances, at his own residence, etc.

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