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by A-R
Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:04 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Yes, a punch can kill you
Replies: 12
Views: 2370

Yes, a punch can kill you

Whenever justification for use of deadly force is discussed, seems at some point the discussion turns to whether it is ever OK to shoot an unarmed attacker. Texas law is largely silent on the distinction between armed/unarmed, instead conditioning justification on whether a use of deadly force response to attack was reasonable and immediately necessary to thwart an imminent attack. Reasonable seems to be key in discussion of using deadly force against unarmed attacker. Members such as myself and TAM (hope you don't mind me speaking for you big guy), often argue that even an unarmed attacker, if younger, faster, bigger, stronger, and more prone to violence CAN BE a truly lethal threat, especially to potential victims who are older, slower, less physically capable etc.

Point of all this is a belief that merely a punch to the head can kill.

So today I provide a case in point: ... ter_5.html" onclick=";return false;
A Travis County deputy found Curtis unconscious and bleeding from the mouth shortly after midnight Wednesday at the 14200 block of North Interstate 35 after receiving a report of a disturbance, the affidavit said. Witnesses told police Hill punched Curtis in the face and he fell over, the affidavit said.

Hill was found nearby, and later told deputies he hit his brother and was willing to do any amount of time for the assault, the affidavit said. Hill told deputies he got into an argument with his brother in the parking lot of Chaparral Ice and Curtis told Hill to hit him, the affidavit said.

Curtis was considered brain dead and was on life support following the incident, the affidavit said. He was declared dead shortly after 10 a.m., the affidavit said.

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