Can't go wrong with a Glock. I have a Glock 27 (same size, different caliber) in my EDC rotation. You cant make the grip longer with Pearce magazine extensions to replace the standard G26 magazine base plate or put an appropriate grip extension onto a G19 mag and use that in the G26. Lots of ways to make the grip fit you better.wgoforth wrote:but rather have a little bigger and a little more (capacity). Actually, I really like the Taurus 24/7 Pro Compact, but is a tad heavy. it's as short as the glock, but heavier.... but holds more rounds too.
But for a little bigger and a little more capacity out of the box, try a Smith & Wesson M&P9c. Had one for a while. Decided to get rid of it and keep my G27 (personal preference). But the M&P is a great gun too. Holds two more rounds and the pinky extension mag base plate comes standard.