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by A-R
Tue May 10, 2011 6:39 pm
Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
Topic: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry
Replies: 40
Views: 8362

Re: Professors plan to boycott classes where students carry

I agree with all the statements preceeding this, but does bring up a question (and I'm not enough of a lawyer and haven't read in detail the text of the bill to know the answer) ...

What is the penalty (for the professor) if a professor kicks someone out of class on suspicion of legally carrying a concealed weapon (suspicion, because they won't be able to KNOW who has a CONCEALED weapon). Is it just the loss of tenure/firing? Or is there some legal consequence to denying a CHL holder their rights under the law?

Furthermore, what in the bill is to stop a school from continuing to ban guns via student rules etc ... does the bill making do so against the law, thus any school attempting to enforce such is subject to legal or even criminal consequences for doing so?

Lastly, different subject/bill, but what is the penalty if a company continues to attempt to fire an employee for keeping a gun legally in a vehicle in the parking lot?

I guess my over-riding quesiton here is - do these bills have any teeth to enforce these rights?

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