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by A-R
Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:57 am
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: NRA Recertification Future Requirements
Replies: 55
Views: 15659

Re: NRA Recertification Future Requirements

I'm writing this realizing it may not be a popular opinion. But I'll suffer the sling and arrows ...

I understand fully why DPS had to make this change based on the pre-existing state law requiring prior NRA, TCOLE, or other pistol instructor certification. But, frankly, this is one of the reasons (there were other reasons involving personal time after starting a new job recently) why I decided to let my Texas CHL instructor certification lapse this year.

During the 2-3 years I was certified, I only taught sporadically. Just a few CHL classes per year as I was able to gather up enough students to make it worth my time. This was a part-time side job that I did more for my appreciation of RKBA & CHL than for any monetary gain. With the initial one-week DPS class + whatever bi-annual recertification would be necessary, I had no problem with the previous set up.

But adding in the NRA certification (which I did obtain last summer) + the NRA's requirements that you teach a certain number of THEIR classes (not Texas CHL classes) to maintain NRA certification, the whole mess just became not worth my time anymore.

I hope that moving forward this whole process can be streamlined to encourage more instructors such as myself, who have the knowledge and skill to teach these classes, but not the time to devote to maintaining multiple accreditations and teaching multiple classes in multiple formats just to maintain those credentials.

I would hope someone is working on a bill to streamline this format, but if the NRA has a vested interest in maintaining this newfound status quo - I have my doubts any such bill will be filed.

Caveat: I have no problem with the NRA. I actually enjoyed the NRA instructor course. But their requirement to order and utilize their printed materials ($$$) and teach their specific curriculum in their specific class formats in order to maintain their credentials seems to stretch the original intent of requiring prior handgun instructor credentials in order to obtain DPS CHL credentials.

As long as an instructor is competent and can prove that competency by passing DPS CHL Instructor requirements, the addition of maintaining separate NRA credentials should not be required. The NRA courses are worthwhile. But they provide extra and optional curriculum not directly required for the teaching of a Texas CHL class. There is no valid reason why a Texas CHL Instructor should be required to maintain and teach two different curriculums.

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