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Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cops
Replies: 20
Views: 2585

Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop

glock27 wrote:a loud music complaint is not grounds for cops entering or bereaking in a door and cant get a warrant for that type of thing..
It is when they pull up and see a guy they've been looking for on two felony warrants run in.

Much easier in most cases to call the landlord and offer to have the code inspectors take a special interest in the property if the door doesn't get opened very soon, though. Most leases I've seen had special clauses dealing with any illegal activity on the premises.
Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:48 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cops
Replies: 20
Views: 2585

Re: called cops about a loud party... kid talked back to cop

gigag04 wrote:
glock27 wrote:he shouldnt had open the door in the first place...
When kids do this, I get them kicked out.
I'm still trying to figure out how one of our local cops failed to get through a door at a frat house: I did a couple of service calls there, and the door in question is one of the flimsiest hollow-core-interior-door-repurposed-as-an-exterior-door things I've ever seen. Considering he had a running start and weighed around 275, it should have been just like the cartoons with a cop-shaped hole right through, but somehow, he bounced off, cracking two ribs thanks to his habit of keeping a bottle of Tylenol tucked in between his shirt and armor.

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