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Wed May 02, 2007 2:02 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: 30.06 Valid?
Replies: 24
Views: 5112

longtooth wrote:Was it in English & Spanish?

Many of the hospitals in Houston have the White on glass & they are placed so that when the slidding glass doors open they are covered.
Still counted as acceptable.
So how hard would it be to get a requirement for an opaque background added at the next legislative session?

Nothing contrasts with transparent in the real world. Too bad our lawmakers don't live there.

Edited to add:

Anybody had a class in colors and optics? If contrast is commutative, which it would logically seem to be, then:
If color A contrasts with color B, then color B contrasts with color A

Thus, if any color contrasts with transparency, transparency must contrast with that color; if white contrasts with transparency, then transparent letters on white paper must count as a contrasting color. Hence contract provisions written in invisible ink would be enforceable, and warning signs written in clear paint would constitute sufficient notice of a hazard.

Chas, I think I may be onto something that could revolutionise contract law...

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