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by Kevinf2349
Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:40 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim
Replies: 107
Views: 12315

Re: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim

Carry-a-Kimber wrote:The "irresponsible" actions on part of the victim do not force criminals to behave the way they do.
I am not sure anyone said that they did did they?

Either way. I will choose to keep myself and my family as much out of bad situations as I possibly can. Those that think they are bulletproof can take all the risks they want. Darwin is ready when they are.

Peace out. :tiphat:
by Kevinf2349
Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:05 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim
Replies: 107
Views: 12315

Re: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim

But would you let your wife do it? (unarmed)

Whether it is PC or not men and women are different, the dangers and the type of predators are different, If you think that it is wise and safe to let your wife drive a convertable to a drive-thru at 02:30 in the monring, that is your choice. I am not denying you that choice, all I am saying is that the danger level of doing that is high.

You obviously see on harm any of your family female members taking higher risk situations, I do for my family. I have total trust in my family, but it is the other people I am weary of.
by Kevinf2349
Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:18 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim
Replies: 107
Views: 12315

Re: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim

Carry-a-Kimber wrote:So driving thru at a fast food joint, in a convertable, at 2:30 in the morning is an irresponsable act? Its something that if you do, you have to take responsablity for whatever may happen to you? Most days I am driving home from a bar between 2 and 4 in the morning, stone sober, returning from work. Sometimes I drive my wife's Jeep with the top off. There isn't a drive thru between work and my house by I often stop off for gas on the way home. Every night when I get home I walk my dog a few miles, I live in the "hood". I guess if someone gets the jump on me one night, its my own darn fault for having such a high risk lifestyle. :headscratch
Are you a young female? (Given that you have a wife, I am guessing not) so your arguement is fundamentaly flawed right from the get go I would think.
by Kevinf2349
Mon Jul 05, 2010 11:06 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim
Replies: 107
Views: 12315

Re: Finally, a CHLer is portrayed as the victim

Techbrute: First welcome to the forum.

Second : I am sure that what people are saying is more about situational awareness than a 'they asked for it' judgement on the girls involved. In terms of situational awareness what they did was definately ill advised. The bit you missed out from you trirade was that this happened at 02:30 in the morning in a known bad part of town. Of course in a perfect world we would be able to visit any drive-thru at any time of the day or night without need to worry about who might be lurking around with ill-intent, but we don't. There are too many bad people out there more prepared to seperate people from their wallets/cars/phones etc for us ever to think we live in a perfect world. I believe that all people on here are saying is that it was a stupid judgement call on their behalf. Nobody deserves to be a victim, but you can definately reduce the odds of becoming one by taking some simple precautions.

Would you be happy if your daughter/wife/girlfriend/sister/mother drove a convertible with the top down through a bad part of town, at that time of night with only another girlfriend for company? Oh and as they lived in the area so I don't buy into a 'they didn't know about that part of town' defence.

Again. Welcome to the forum. :tiphat:

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