Techbrute: First welcome to the forum.
Second : I am sure that what people are saying is more about situational awareness than a 'they asked for it' judgement on the girls involved. In terms of situational awareness what they did was definately ill advised. The bit you missed out from you trirade was that this happened at 02:30 in the morning in a known bad part of town. Of course in a perfect world we would be able to visit any drive-thru at any time of the day or night without need to worry about who might be lurking around with ill-intent, but we don't. There are too many bad people out there more prepared to seperate people from their wallets/cars/phones etc for us ever to think we live in a perfect world. I believe that all people on here are saying is that it was a stupid judgement call on their behalf. Nobody deserves to be a victim, but you can definately reduce the odds of becoming one by taking some simple precautions.
Would you be happy if your daughter/wife/girlfriend/sister/mother drove a convertible with the top down through a bad part of town, at that time of night with only another girlfriend for company? Oh and as they lived in the area so I don't buy into a 'they didn't know about that part of town' defence.
Again. Welcome to the forum.