I seem to be having a few of these lately...
Maybe it's just luck, or maybe I'm just noticing more because I'm paying attention to things like this more...
So, I'm sure everyone's heard about the Mayor of Sugarland being robbed in his own driveway. Most people don't know, however, that that was not an isolated incident. Robberies in your own driveway here in Houston have been getting more popular recently. That's the 3rd or 4th incident that I know of, I'm sure there's probably more.
Today, after getting home from work, The wife opened the garage door, and started doing some stuff in there (moving garbage bins, starting laundry, etc) while I went to go get the mail, which is around the corner of the block. As I am coming back from getting the mail, this truck slowly drives past me on the road, and stops in front of the curb in front of my house, partially blocking my driveway, and sat there.
Now, I had gone straight from my truck, to the mailbox. I should mention that my company has a 'no weapons' policy (as I'm sure some of you know due to my earlier posts) that I've been considering violating. I have generally not been violating it on a daily basis, rather, only choosing to willingly violate it when I am working after-hours, and not under direct supervision from management. (Eg, Field Work). So, at this very moment that the truck pulled in front of my house, my wife was working in the open garage, by herself, and I was about 75 feet away, completely unarmed, due to the company policy.
It took about 15 seconds from when the truck stopped at the curb, partially blocking my driveway, for me to reach the house. I made a beeline past my wife, into the house, and grabbed my carry Kimber. Threw it in my pocket (no time for a holster), kept my hand around the grip, thumb on the safety, finger off the trigger, and went back outside to the garage with my wife. In case you're wondering why I didn't tell her anything when I passed her, to me, obviously the guys in the truck were still 'deciding' whether it was worth it or not. I did NOT want to give them any indication that I was afraid of them, aware of their presence or possible intentions, or unarmed. They had been sitting there for the 15 seconds it took me to get back to the house at this point, I figure they'd sit there for another 5 it took me to get my gun and come back out, especially since they just saw me join the wife (now 2 on however many they had instead of just 1)
At this point, hand around grip, in pocket, ready to go if needed, I stood at the garage door and stared them down. After about 10 seconds, they took off in a hurry.
Sure, Maybe they were just lost, and were hoping one of us would come to their window and offer to give them directions...
Then again, they may have been deciding whether they were going to rob us at gunpoint or not....
Lessons learned:
I need a Mousegun for pocket carry every day at work _Now_. Then I will never be unarmed if something like this happens again.
Would like some recommendations. I know about the LCP, and I read the thread on that new Diamondback one. My big thing is I do not like DAO Triggers to be the only saftey. Call me paranoid, but I'm very murphy prone. I like the 1911 because of it's multiple safeties. Any reliable recommendable mouseguns out there with a manual slide safety or grip safety?
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- by dicion
- Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:26 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Today's Wakeup Call
- Replies: 30
- Views: 5694
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