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by dicion
Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:26 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Tire stabbed
Replies: 16
Views: 3034

Re: Tire stabbed

If you foresee this continuing, perhaps investing in some sort of Camera Recording system would be a good idea.
Get them on tape committing the crime, and if they're readily identifiable, it's pretty slam dunk.

Also, you may want to try to improve on your post formatting a little bit, especially with longer posts.
I can guarantee you that many persons on this forum, saw your wall of text, and simply closed the thread, not reading it.
A huge wall of text like that is hard to keep your place reading it with perfect vision, and a lot of the members of this forum have much less than that! :smilelol5:

I have to admit, my first thought upon seeing it myself was also that, and to post the below image as well :mrgreen:

I did, however, change my mind, and read through it. The image below, however, is what a large majority of people will do when they come across a posting like this in the future.


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