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by dicion
Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:42 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged
Replies: 42
Views: 8222

Re: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged

I may be a lone voice here, but after watching the video about 2 dozen times, I don't think it was his intention to slam her head into the short barrier wall like he did.

He grabbed her collar area, and spun her around, as if to put her up against the Flat wall behind it.

He made 2 mistakes, however:

1) He apparently forgot the shorter wall was there, or didn't take account it's closeness, obviously preventing him from spinning her around completely to put her against the wall as he wanted to before she ran into it.
2) He did not anticipate her falling down/losing her footing as he swung her. He should have fully anticipated having to support her entire weight as he did this, based on her obvious drunken condition.

Yes, he made mistakes, He obviously realized this immediately after, as is seen in the video. Sure, he should be off the force, but I do not think this rises to the level of Criminal. I do not believe he had the intent to harm he as he did.

That is my opinion.

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