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by Warhorse545
Sun Oct 23, 2005 2:13 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Why Reload
Replies: 30
Views: 8807

I reload for the .45 Both APC and Colt. And for several rifles that you just can not readily find ammo for. The Carcano and Swiss Rifles come to mind. The 7.5 Swiss is out there, but with the large number of rifles coming into the country I do not see the ammo supply holding out.

I originally got into reloading for some 8mm's that I had when there just was not a lot of Surplus 8mm ammo around. That situation has changed, but I foresee that it will dry up in time again.

With reloading I can shoot my older rifles and not be worried that I will not be able to find ammo for.


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