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by C-dub
Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:57 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged
Replies: 42
Views: 8207

Re: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged

Most if not all drunk drivers do not intend to kill anyone either. I don't think the Trooper intended to do the amount or kind of damage he did, but he still did it and it was unnecessary and excessive.

As far as her resisting by pulling away, why should the Trooper be allowed the normal reaction of jerking back when she pulls, but she is not allowed when he pulls her? Maybe he pulled a little too hard initially and caused her some pain that caused her to react. She was subdued and in custody with no real ability to cause this trooper any harm.
by C-dub
Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:38 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged
Replies: 42
Views: 8207

Re: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged

I thought the Trooper quit. Knowing the woman's BAC would be helpful because the only short clip that I've seen of her performing a FST seemed to show her walking the line pretty good. I also thought I remembered that she wasn't the one driving the car. A friend of hers that was drunk was the one driving and when this woman suggested she let her drive the other woman just stopped the car right there and ran off and that's when the Troopers arrived. That whole story could be a lie, but I haven't heard that yet. I would think that remaining calm when you think you are being falsely arrested is not that easy to do.

She did appear upset that she was being arrested and was resisting somewhat, but it didn't seem like anything that Trooper couldn't have handled without slamming her into anything.

I think that I were the other Trooper there when this happened I would have been less concerned with his abuse and more concerned with her safety at that point. And, to me, that is what it seems like the other Trooper did focus on after she was injured.

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