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by C-dub
Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Appointment/Calendar/Reminder App?
Replies: 7
Views: 2251

Re: Appointment/Calendar/Reminder App?

Flightmare wrote:I love google calendars. I've setup multiple calendars under the same account. You can make certain calendars public, so you don't have to "share" a gmail account. I've added numerous public calendars to my google calendars so that I am able to keep up with other events going on around me, in addition to being able to share certain events with friends.
There's a chance I might be able to make the breakfast tomorrow morning in Frisco. If I do I think I'd like you to show me a thing or two about this.
by C-dub
Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Appointment/Calendar/Reminder App?
Replies: 7
Views: 2251

Re: Appointment/Calendar/Reminder App?

surferdaddy wrote:I’m pretty sure that f you set up a shared calendar on the iPhone calendar it will sync all events across all users. I think the only notification I get is stating that someone changed/added/deleted something, but it still happens automatically.

Then maybe I'm not using it correctly or to its potential. I'll check that out and try it before I try out the Google Calendar. I've been using Outlook for so long I tend to use it most of the time to create events and meetings. My iPhone 5 recently began its death spiral, so I replaced it with an 8+. I'm starting to investigate some of the new things I haven't used in the past and especially since iTunes took out the app support I'm looking at using my iPhone more efficiently. Who knows, maybe using Outlook and scheduling things there primarily is what is causing our issues. I think it uses Google Calendar and I'm trying to make that fit into the native Apple Calendar app.
by C-dub
Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Appointment/Calendar/Reminder App?
Replies: 7
Views: 2251

Appointment/Calendar/Reminder App?

Good morning everyone.

I'm looking for some input on an iPhone app. I'm not completely satisfied with the calendar app that comes with and is standard on iPhones. We've had issues with some events not crossing over to another's calendar and sometimes alert times getting changed automatically somehow. Here's a few of the key features I'd like:

1. Easy to create and event or appointment.
2. Will show up on another's calendar/planner or whatever in the app on multiple users' iPhones without having to "accept" in via and e-mail.
3. Appointments/events can be created and or edited by all users and everyone's app would be updated also without having to go through "accepting" the changes via an e-mail notification.

Does such an app exist? I'm really only thinking about using this between three people, my wife, daughter, and myself. What are ya'lls experiences?

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