It's been a little while since I've talked about this around here.
I used to be in part of the dog world. I was a trainer/helper/decoy/chew toy and competitor in the sport of Schutzhund. The prices for puppies bred for this sport are in the range already mentioned depending on their pedigree and breed. Unless you plan on competing in this sport no one needs a puppy that costs this much. No one!
The older the dog is and the more training it has already had drives the price upwards of $50k+.
Where it gets really insane is for just the show dogs. At least for German Shepherd Dogs show dogs are often dogs that CANNOT do much or any real work like your Schutzhund/Police dogs can. The show dog world is where some ridiculous money is spent. $100k+ per dog just for looks and breeding prospects
Anyone that wants a decent-good dog can usually find a rescue organization that has already done health testing and as much temperament testing as they can. These dogs need homes and are much more reasonably priced. There are even breed specific rescues that need help.
Unless you are actually going to compete in the show or working arena having an AKC registered dog is highly overrated. Many people claim this dog or that puppy comes from championship lines and that is usually true, but often several generations back. Were the parents or grandparents champions? What level? Local, regional, national, international?
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- by C-dub
- Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:43 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Shooting dog in self defense - Civil Immunity
- Replies: 25
- Views: 19707
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