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by joe817
Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:43 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Pulled my pistol on a guy who got in my car today
Replies: 33
Views: 7040

Re: Pulled my pistol on a guy who got in my car today

XtremeDuty.45 wrote:That could have turned out really bad. I think your both lucky. cannot carry on the post office parking lot. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. Glad it all turned out good tho! :patriot:
There was much discussion back in October, if it was permissible to carry either on post office property or in a post office itself.

A Post Office is considered Federal Property and you CANNOT carry on Post Office Property. See thread: ... ce#p331472" onclick=";return false;

In any event lawrnk that was an EXTREMELY scary situation and I thank God all turned out ok for you. I KNOW what must have been going through your mind when that person jumped into your car! :shock: You showed good restraint(whether intentional or not planned at the moment). Thank goodness you had trouble drawing down on the guy(sorry but I have to say that). It could have gone south very quickly. LOTS of lessons to be learned from this and thank you so much for sharing. :tiphat:

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