Many years ago, (1974 to be exact) when I worked at a local PD, I remember the "traveling" exemption so I think its been around for quite some time now.kauboy wrote:The "Traveling" Non-applicability Law was implaced in 1997 since Texas hasn't always been a CC state.
However, the traveling presumption wording was only added last year(2005) in September.
Back then we had two cases of "Travelers" with handguns in one night:
#1- A father and son drive to town and check into a motel. Then they start driving around town looking for the daughter/sister's ex-boyfriend to "settle" a issue. They were stopped and a handgun located in the car. They went to jail. The arresting officer decided that once they checked into the motel they were no longer traveling.
#2- A jewerly salesman was passing through town. During a traffic stop, a handgun was located in his front seat. He was sent on his way as he was still traveling.