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by rtschl
Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:28 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
Replies: 1085
Views: 392381

Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?

PriestTheRunner wrote: Sun Oct 07, 2018 8:16 pm Police stations are not permitted to be posted. Report it if the website for doing so is still active.
Not necessarily correct. Both the Benbrook and White Settlement police departments are posted. They both use the reason that they have a "court" in the window where bond/fines are paid to the city court clerk. What needs to solve this is removing all off limit areas for LTC and make carry the same for LTC and police.
by rtschl
Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:27 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?
Replies: 1085
Views: 392381

Re: Cities improperly posting 30.06 signs?

Grapevinebill wrote:The City of Grapevine recently invested Millions of $$ in a renovation of the Community activities center and Recreation facility. The do not have a 30.06 sign posted but do have a sign that reads "This is a weapon free campus". The only buildings on the "campus" are the Recreation center and Community Center. there are no court rooms or clerks offices on the premise. Is this legitimate?
I don't believe it a violation as it is not 30.06. They probably know they can't post it 30.06 so they are posting that sign. My city posts a city ordinance against carrying a weapon on their various properties with a gunbuster sign but they know that it is not enforceable for CHL. I guess it is to make some "anti" feel better.

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