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by koolaid
Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:15 am
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47141

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

I realize this is weeks later, but if you just want to mess around with Linux distros and see if you like them, there are live CD's available that don't require installation or wiping out your existing OS.

You can also grab something like VirtualBox and install Linux to that, which will let you try out as many distros as you want and let you goof around without worrying about breaking anything.
by koolaid
Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:35 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47141

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

rotor wrote:Have loaded multiple linux variations on a system for many years but just like Mac, the applications I need to run my business just are not available on anything other than Windows. I do not see any advantage to running windows in linux or mac. I still do most of my work with XP pro and see no reason to upgrade. I know people that are still running DOS. I don't think the average person cares about what operating system they use, only about the applications they use and does it work.
XP is being end of lifed next year, which means no more security updates. Would really recommend updating to a supported OS before that happens. Even if you don't personally care about your computer, it will only be a matter of time before it gets hijacked and added to a botnet, which affects other people.
by koolaid
Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:23 pm
Forum: Technical Tips, Questions & Discussions (Computers & Internet)
Topic: Are there any Linux users on this board?
Replies: 87
Views: 47141

Re: Are there any Linux users on this board?

I used to run it on my desktops, but the lack of decent DAW software pushed me back over to Windows. Now I just have one linux box I use for XBMC and as an ssh server to proxy from work/chat on IRC/etc.

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