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by puma guy
Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:44 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

aaronspuler wrote:Ok, I know it's been a long time... but I finally found time to get out and try out my Marlin 60 after installing the Tech Sights.

Wow, what an improvement the peep style sights are over the ramp style sights! Surprisingly, the Tech Sights were dead on accurate and did not need any adjusting whatsoever.

The following picture shows my first fifteen shots using the Tech Sights. Distance from shooter to target was about 60 feet.


As you can see there are only 8 holes but I fired 15 shots. I didn't miss with any shot. Many went in the same holes!! I was not bench rested, just standing. I have a sling mounted on the Marlin 60, but did not use it to steady my aim. I shot fairly rapid fire (less than 30 seconds for the entire 15 rounds) and did not worry about my breathing. Had I done some of these things, I'm certain my grouping would have been much tighter yet still.
Quite impressive, sir. :tiphat:
by puma guy
Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:25 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

aaronspuler wrote:Have not had the opportunity to take it out to the range to get the Tech Sights zeroed in as of yet (one of the perils of having a 1 year old), but I did get the sling mounts installed and the USGI web sling attached. Don't believe I'll be doing any further upgrades to this rifle.
Nice picture! Hope you get it to the range soon. I know the perils of one year olds (one), two and half year olds (three) and one due May 6. All grand babies! I remember when we had our own, too. Our oldest daughters live in Grand Prairie and New Braunfels so we are on the road a lot. Luckily I have gotten both son-in-laws into shooting so every once in a while I get to the range even if it's not PSC or Marksman where I usually shoot.
by puma guy
Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:23 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

Rex B wrote:
puma guy wrote:
Rex B wrote:I gave $60 for mine around 1980. I may have fired 40 rounds through it since then.
The new ones have a much shorter barrel 18" vs 22"
I'd love to find one of the stainless models in 22".
Haven't kept up with available models through the years, so I don't know if the SS was available in 22, I suspect they were. The mag capacity was reduce to 15 rnd in the 80's and the barrel was shortened to 19" in 2000 to match the mag tube end. I don't know if 3" adds any accuracy, but I doubt if there would be any significant velocity increase.
Yes, it's 19", not 18" on current models. There was a 22" SS made for a time, I've seen them on GB.
I prefer the long barrels (and stocks) because they fit well with my long arms. They are also a little quieter.
Ahhh! Got it!
by puma guy
Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:43 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

Rex B wrote:I gave $60 for mine around 1980. I may have fired 40 rounds through it since then.
The new ones have a much shorter barrel 18" vs 22"
I'd love to find one of the stainless models in 22".
Haven't kept up with available models through the years, so I don't know if the SS was available in 22, I suspect they were. The mag capacity was reduce to 15 rnd in the 80's and the barrel was shortend to 19" in 2000 to match the mag tube end. I don't know if 3" adds any accuracy, but I doubt if there would be any significant velocity increase. I was impressed with the accuracy even with open sights, I'm going to install the cheapo scope just to see how it shoots. I have an early 60's Marlin 39 Mountie with an old Weaver V1.5-4 that shoots really well.

EDIT: Just found this on WIKI
On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. For example, on the rifle shown in the photo above, the serial number starts with 18... The 18 is significant, for subtracting it from 2000 gives the date of manufacture for the rifle, 1982. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983.

This method has not been uniformly followed. It is valid only from 1971 through 1999. Prior to 1971, the first two digits indicated the year of manufacture. For example, a rifle with a serial number starting with 70... would have been made in 1970. Starting in 2000, this same old method has returned; the first two digits once more indicate the year of manufacture directly, with no subtraction required
by puma guy
Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:01 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

aaronspuler wrote:I received my new sights from and found them remarkably simple to install. Haven't been out to the range to calibrate them in yet but I'll hopefully get a chance to soon. My USGI web sling came in the same shipment as the sights, so now I'm just waiting for the sling mounts. Will post some pictures once it's all done.
I'd love to see how they work out. Please post some targets when you shoot it.
by puma guy
Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:58 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

Shot the little Marlin 60SS at PSC 25yd Rimfire. There was a little post and foam rest on the bench and I used it. Shot right out of the box, iron sights, with these old 62 year old cataract eyes. Left target is mine 10 shots. Right is my daughters but she's only shot twice before. I sold hundreds of these in the 60's and 70's and I am impressed. Wish I'd bought one when we ran them on sale for about 25 bucks.

by puma guy
Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:04 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Marlin 60
Replies: 34
Views: 7837

Re: Marlin 60

juggernaut wrote:What's considered a good NIB price for one of these? I was in Walmart and saw a $200 price tag for a Marlin 60. I thought they were less expensive than that.
Was that for a Blued with Walnut StocK? I bought a 60 Stainless w/Walnut for $204 @ Wally World in Huntsville a couple of weeks ago.

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