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by puma guy
Wed May 04, 2011 3:02 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEO encounter without proper id/chl?
Replies: 28
Views: 4606

Re: LEO encounter without proper id/chl?

Keith B wrote:
dk523 wrote:I know there's no longer any penalty for failing to SHOW your CHL to an officer who asks for ID (when you're carrying). However, what I think this thread is missing is - what is the penalty for failing to HAVE your CHL and/or Driver's License on you? Can you expect to be arrested? What if you're in your car or home, where non-CHL-holders can now legally carry? Can you still expect to be arrested? Can your CHL be suspended? Can any instructors chime in on this?
If you are carrying on your body and not in your car or home, and do not have your CHL on you, you can be charged with Unlicensed Carry of a Weapon. This will cause you to lose your CHL.

The Motorist Protection Act covers you in your car with the handgun, and you never needed anything to have it in your home.
Keith B,
As always - Thank you so much for simplifying this. :tiphat:

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