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by puma guy
Fri Nov 06, 2015 2:52 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: I got shot in the head today
Replies: 24
Views: 8019

Re: I got shot in the head today

I was struck twice the same night by pieces of bullet jacket from a guy in the next lane rapid firing. His target hanger was about 5 yards down range an I saw the metal hanger being struck as the whole thing was jumping around. The first hit was on my leg ( I was wearing shorts) and drew some blood. I showed him the piece of shrapnel and informed him rapid fire was not allowed for the very reason of ricochets. He said he didn't know that it wasn't allowed. He was fine for a while, but did it again hitting me in the left cheek. I then reported him to management. Before they could get there he packed up and left.

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