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by Embalmo
Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:43 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

sugar land dave wrote:Oh! You guys woke me up! I was snoozing so nicely throughout this thread!

I do not see anything inappropriate with the OP's letter to CC. I also understand Embalmo being somewhat fond of his opinions, though for the life of me, I don't understand his concealed carrying to his Dr's visit. I can just envision it now:

"Have you had this appendage long?"
"Long enough, doc."

"Is it always cold?"
No, it warms right up, but listen, doc, I don't feel very comfortable about people touching it, and don't you even consider holding it!"

Forgive the interruption, I'll just doze back off again....... :sleep
I'm guessing that I'm not the only one who is fond of the opinion that rattling the cage of a business that isn't keeping CHLs out is flat out pointless. I didn't get a CHL so that I could go around boasting to every business owner and preaching the 2nd amendment; I got a CHL so that I could protect myself and family, and a non-compliant sign in no way hinders that. Legally speaking, the posting of a non-compliant sign is a support of the 2nd amendment and legal concealed carry.

Now if anyone thinks that the creation of new "gun free" zones or a ban on medical facility carry is a good idea, I would rather they write their congressman instead of Chuck E. Cheese.

by Embalmo
Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:31 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

Do you, as a CHL holder, want to actually do business with people who care not for your freedom, or your safety?[/quote]

Ideally no, I would prefer to avoid everyone who disagrees with or mocks my principles, but since it's impossible for me to avoid my mall, YMCA,Toys R Us, Dr.'s office, car dealership, an acquaintance's employer and a couple of convenience stores; my compromise is that as long as I'm treated with respect and allowed to legally defend myself while there, I dismiss their emotion driven ignorance without an argument.

I do have my limits though, I won't go near any place, person, or entity that in any way supports abortion or mocks Jesus; and my entire Dixie Chick library has been rotting under a Travis County landfill for years.

M. Ball Moe
by Embalmo
Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:09 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

I appreciate you hanging in as long as you have (in spite of efforts to squelch our healthy discussion), but I suppose we are at an impasse. :tiphat:[/quote]

These cutesy little jabs and smileys are exactly what I'm on about. We easily could have had this conversation without them. Just as I said before, this is not the place for that.

by Embalmo
Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

"Missionary", "ambassador"-How about "saboteur"? Regardless of the warm sense of accomplishment that one may recieve from righting a wrong on principle, nothing real can be gained. One needn't mention the word "sign" in a letter to potentially get a valid sign posted; business owners are not stupid.

Hospitals and dr.'s offices are notorious for changing their non-compliant signs to compliant. My hospital changed their non-valid sign to a valid 30.06 recently, but my dr.'s office hasn't changed their non-valid sign (yet). Simon's malls are also notoriously anti-CHL, but the one I go to has a ridiculously non-valid sign. Can I at least get you to not write a letter to my Dr. or mall?

I promise you that Chuck E. Cheese won't miss you, but I certainly will miss Chuck E. Cheese if a saboteur succeeds.

by Embalmo
Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

i8godzilla wrote:
Embalmo wrote: Seriously-You need to chill with the angry (all caps) posts here; there are other forums on the Internet for that. If you write an angry letter accusing a business of having no interest in the safety of their patrons with threats of public scrutiny, they're gonna' wonder what your beef is and quickly realize that their sign is your problem.

If I had a business and someone wrote me a letter such as that, I would go out of my way to make sure no one like that could ever enter my business again by posting the biggest, most valid sign possible; to keep those angry, threatening CHLs as far away from my property as possible. I might even look into metal detectors.

Again, what facts do you have to back this up?

BTW: I am a business owner and do not play one on TV.
Common sense; a letter like that only confirms why that person put any sign up in the first place. The bottom is: if a non-compliant sign is taken down, it helps no one. If a non-compliant sign in corrected it hurts us all. The notion is just about as bright as the condemned man who reminds the warden to plug the chair in.

I highy suspect that many of these "signage missionaries" do so as an opportunity to tell people that they have a CHL and
carry a weapon. I prefer to keep it concealed, keep it quiet, and follow the law as it is written.


by Embalmo
Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:08 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

jamisjockey wrote:
Embalmo wrote:
Pacifist wrote:I tend to not frequent establishments whose owners have let it be known that they would rather not have my business via the posting of a 30.06 sign, valid or invalid. If I happen to be in a particularly benevolent mood, I will, on occasion, inform the establishments' owners of their loss of business and the reason for the loss.
The thing about non-valid signs is that they don't affect us until we tell them to (and how) to make them valid; many of us would prefer not to decrease the number place that we may legally carry. The "C" stands for concealed.


Did you even read my posts? Huh? I DID NOT TELL THEM THEIR SIGN WAS INVALID. I posted the letter in this thred. Go back and read it. :banghead:
Seriously-You need to chill with the angry (all caps) posts here; there are other forums on the Internet for that. If you write an angry letter accusing a business of having no interest in the safety of their patrons with threats of public scrutiny, they're gonna' wonder what your beef is and quickly realize that their sign is your problem.

If I had a business and someone wrote me a letter such as that, I would go out of my way to make sure no one like that could ever enter my business again by posting the biggest, most valid sign possible; to keep those angry, threatening CHLs as far away from my property as possible. I might even look into metal detectors.

by Embalmo
Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:05 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

Pacifist wrote:I tend to not frequent establishments whose owners have let it be known that they would rather not have my business via the posting of a 30.06 sign, valid or invalid. If I happen to be in a particularly benevolent mood, I will, on occasion, inform the establishments' owners of their loss of business and the reason for the loss.
The thing about non-valid signs is that they don't affect us until we tell them to (and how) to make them valid; many of us would prefer not to decrease the number place that we may legally carry. The "C" stands for concealed.

by Embalmo
Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:50 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

It took me a long time to realize these posts about instructing business owners about their non-compliant signs weren't a joke. I'll never get it. I guess the most efficient way to do it would to include a valid 30.06 in the same envelope as the letter.

by Embalmo
Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:32 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

terryg wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
Embalmo wrote:Also, how can a company be stepping on our toes when they don't post a compliant sign?
:iagree: and has been said 3,679 (+/-) times, let sleeping dogs lie and go on about your business, please.
Said in my best Ricky Ricardo:
Oldgringoooo! You've got some splainin to do!
I thought I remembered you falling on my side of this issue in the past. I found it here.

You said:
Oldgringo wrote:
terryg wrote:
troglodyte wrote:2nd - why do we continue to inform companies that they have the wrong sign posted? :headscratch
Again, it does not appear that the OP did this. He let them know that he didn't like their stated corporate anti-gun policy. He is encouraging us to do the same so that they will connect this policy with a negative impact on their bottom line. This is completely independent of the enforceability of any posted signs.

He did not inform them that their signs may be non-complaint. The distinction is very significant. I completely support his actions in this way. :tiphat:
You may be onto something. :iagree:, there is a difference between mentioning generic policy as opposed to discussing specific signage. The offending businesses can be advised of our objections without having an invalid sign mentioned.
So what gives? You have a change of heart? :lol:

This needs to stop. This is not what this forum is about.
by Embalmo
Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:24 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

terryg wrote:
Embalmo wrote:I'm not going to reply to more than one thread at once, it's just too complicated.
Umm, ok.

Embalmo wrote:There is simply no pay-off to complaining about a non-compliant sign; but there is a risk that the sign may corrected. I often wonder why one shouldn't include a compliant 30.06 sign in the same envelope as the letter of complaint.
Well, all I can say is that I couldn't disagree more.

1. If there is no mention of the sign being non-compliant in the letter, there is no reason to think the letter will prompt them to suddenly discover the 'error of their verbiage'. If anything, by claiming (whether it actually does or not) that the sign turns away your business because you carry a gun, you are only confirming that the sign does what it is intended (by them) to do.

2. To say there is zero chance of a pay-off ignores the experience of forum members who, on at least two occasions that I have read, have in fact changed policy by complaining which resulted in signs being removed. IIRC, these were both actual 30.06 signs. (I would try to find them, but a search for 30.06 signs on this forum generates a LOT of hits. :smilelol5: But one was a bank.)

Now I do agree, no offense to jamisjockey, that tone of his letter could have been improved.

First of all, I need this to be the last time that anyone pops off with "Umm ok" after quoting me. We are only talking about complaining about non-compliant signs in this thread (the OP indicated that the sign was probably non-compliant), so any examples of a compliant 30.06 sign being successfully removed do not pertain to this thread. Non-compliant signs do not affect CHLs in any way, so it doesn't matter if they're removed; so there can't be any legitimate pay-off.

Bottom line: A sign can only legally affect us if it's compliant.

by Embalmo
Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:52 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

Leroy wrote:I have to agree with the noncompliant sign...walk right past. Don't you think a franchise like Chuckee Cheese has lawyers out the ying yang that know exactly what is compliant and is not? It makes the sheeple feel better when they see it. My question is what the heck are you doing at chuckee cheese on your birthday..with NO kids? Sorry Uncle Fester..just had to ask.
It was ideal-My wife set the whole thing up. The food was good and inexpensive and the games were cheap enough for all of us to play for hours. There were no kids allowed, so the grown-ups were able to play and spend time together without having to chase any kids. I got the idea from the last time my son went to my BCHLFF's (Best Concealed Handgun License Friend Forever) son's birthday party and we decided that CEC would be great without any kids getting the way. Uncle Fester?

by Embalmo
Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:00 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

Also, how can a company be stepping on our toes when they don't post a compliant sign?
by Embalmo
Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:47 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

I'm not going to reply to more than one thread at once, it's just too complicated. There is simply no pay-off to complaining about a non-compliant sign; but there is a risk that the sign may corrected. I often wonder why one shouldn't include a compliant 30.06 sign in the same envelope as the letter of complaint.

by Embalmo
Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:06 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

i8godzilla wrote:
Embalmo wrote:An angry letter as a first coorespondance is probably not going get get favorable results. Best case scenario, it's ignored; worst case scenario, a new compliant sign is posted there and maybe other locations too.
What is the basis for this? I have written many an angry letter that has produced results. A few years back I even wrote CEC Entertainment about lack of service and poor quality food. They did respond; they called me.

I usually do not write nice touchy feelly letters when I complain.
If you had a business and someone (out of the blue) accused you of having no regard for children's safety and threatened you with public scrutiny as an initial contact, would you be inclined to acquiesce. To maintain credibility, one must write a letter of complaint in such a way that the recipient is given a opportunity to correct a problem without being insulted or threatened.

by Embalmo
Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)
Replies: 74
Views: 9332

Re: Chuck E cheese in Pearland posted (improperly)

rm9792 wrote:
Embalmo wrote:
Katygunnut wrote:
Embalmo wrote:Embalmo
This thread is very similar to a thread about Buffalo Wild Wings. I went there recently and they wanted us to give them $5 each for whatever was on the TV;
I dont get it. Who wanted $5 each for whatever was on what tv?

I think it was boxing; I always go to Wings N More, but wanted something different. They would've gotten $50 from me that night, but instead they've lost my business forever.

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