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by TexasGal
Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:40 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"
Replies: 50
Views: 6550

Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"

psijac wrote:All the home schooled people I know are just a little bit off. They have no sense of how to interact with their peers. Its like watching a live version for Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory
Respectfully, I would ask you to attend one of the home school conventions where some of the best curriculum in the world is offered for sale. Home Schoolers are not just making it up as they go along. The booths are overwhelmingly run by home school families whose small to teen children will discuss the merits of whatever is available on an intelligent adult level. I have been to several and it never fails to impress me the average public high school student would be a fish out of water. The students who are breaking records at your local college for the youngest to graduate are home schooled. I have had the chance to see several home school families raise their children to adulthood. The vast majority of them is happy, healthy, well adjusted to all age groups--not just their own. They go on field trips to actually see the things the public school kids see in a book or watch in a class presentation. They have not been hazed by bullies, been in drug rehab, arrested by the police, etc. They actually notice what goes on in the world and don't hate their parents or their siblings. They don't live in a vacuum without friends. The older ones sit in our waiting room quietly helping the younger ones to study. Are there SOME weirdos---yep, but FAR less than what you will see at any public school you care to point to. I hope this did not sound like a rant. It was not meant to be offensive. :tiphat:
by TexasGal
Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:42 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"
Replies: 50
Views: 6550

Re: Teacher on guns "wanted to make them horrified"

Folks, this is why some people want to be in education. It's not to teach our children how to read and write. It's to mold their opinions to agree with their own agendas. Just like Hitler, they know getting to the young is how you change the world to your way of thinking.
Always read your child's textbooks and homework. Ask what things were discussed in class that were not in the book. I'd have had words with this teacher. Very civil words to be sure, but my child would have been withdrawn from her class in a nanosecond. Homeschooling is where YOU get to mold your child's opinions. Home schooled kids overwhelmingly are better adjusted, better educated, and more able to think for themselves. This teacher rejected the responses of the kids who were thinking independently. That is not her job. :banghead:

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