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by CHLady
Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:38 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

USA1 wrote: unfortunately my work takes me there everyday . and not the nice areas either . :cryin
No wonder you're pack'n!!!!!!!!! :fire
by CHLady
Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:44 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

Congrats to you as well!!!!!!
by CHLady
Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:39 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

CHLady wrote: :hurry: :fire :patriot: :clapping: Wooo Hooo! After 51 days "Application Completed - license issued or certificate active". I'm going to pick out my outfit for the Wally Walk!! Yeah!!! I should have my license by this weekend!!!
Would you believe that I got my plastic today?!!!!! Wooo Hooo!!! Look out Wally World here I come!

Thanks everyone for your support in making this a bearable process! The DPS is getting it back together! Yeah!!!
by CHLady
Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:57 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

USA1 wrote: think about this, you can buy a laser pointer at the dollar store now .
Yes but I can't figure out how to keep the little button held down!!! "rlol"

I really did want to say that I agreed with another thread mentioning that the sites on the LCP are so slight that one needs to get used to point and click rather than relying on looking down the sites.

I didn't want a laser on my gun and my husband asked me to practice with it at home on the wall to get used to the point and click process rather than relying on the sites.

Of course I respected his wishes and had him put the laser on my gun ( ;-) ) and I see that I am getting more used to hitting the target without using the sites.

He would like for me to leave it on the gun always but we'll see.
by CHLady
Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:57 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

Thanks for the congrats everyone!!! The DPS timing on mine was 3 weeks from the time they cashed my check until I got my PIN and 3 weeks after they started processing until completion!!

DPS is doing good and starting to catch up!!!!
by CHLady
Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:36 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

:hurry: :fire :patriot: :clapping: Wooo Hooo! After 51 days "Application Completed - license issued or certificate active". I'm going to pick out my outfit for the Wally Walk!! Yeah!!! I should have my license by this weekend!!!
by CHLady
Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:25 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

USA1 wrote: i sure would like to put a Crimson Trace Laser on it , but they are a little on the pricey side .
If you go to the elsiepea site and check out their store listed in the forums as one of the sponsors, you can choose Crimson Trace and get their laser for $154.00 from Western Tactical. Check it out!! We are very satisfied and loved the price.

Don't go straight to the sponsor called Crimson Trace, but go to the Elsie Pea Store and then choose Crimson Trace. Awesome!!

All you LCP lovers ought to check out that site anyway.
by CHLady
Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:13 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

I'm sooo sorry about the application ordeal!!!! I can't even imagine how your instructor feels!!! I agree with the others.......the DPS could have handled that quite differently with a win win for all. They were probably just excited to find a way to shorten their stack for the moment.

I hope they are just as quick to process them in a special batch when they get them back!!!
by CHLady
Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:09 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

seadog wrote:This is great!!!! I checked the site about 10.00am and here is the result: Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
That's great!!!! You'll have your License probably Friday or Saturday, no later than Monday! Congratulations!!! :hurry:

Nice choice on the LCP. We're a two elsie family. One with a laser and one without. If you're going to use a back pocket wallet holster Uncle George is the best around, in our opinion. Check out his Web site or see his new sponsorship on elsiepea. We have one holster of each, with and without laser. We just bought 380 self defense "Gold Dot" 20 for 20.99 at Cabelas. I also have a Bersa Thunder 380cc that is a little picky about ammo and it likes the Gold Dot.

I agree with the others, Acadamy is the best place to watch for 380 full metal jacket practice ammo.

I know you'll have a great weekend and congratulations again. I'm selfish......hope I'm next!!!
by CHLady
Tue Oct 13, 2009 9:11 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

ammo two wrote: long did it take for you to receive your PIN?
It took me about 3 weeks to get my pin after they cashed my check and the wait is on............ :???:
by CHLady
Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:08 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

ok, I confess I check it everyday, all day long, too....................... :grumble
by CHLady
Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:57 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

joe817 you can officially check your status allllllll you want. I'm doing better. I'm only checking like 6 or 7 times a day now. :lol:
Sounds like we're going to need a thread for those that are mentally ill after this experience!! I can see it all now joe817, :thumbs2: you've got your plastic but you CAN'T STOP!!!! Morning, noon and night he's still checking, checking, checking!!! His adoring wife is still sitting next to him on the couch watching this endless maddness go on and on!! (get the picture?) What are we going to do? USA1 seems to have come out on the 'other side' without breaking!!! :headscratch
by CHLady
Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:08 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

Okay, okay,'s a big day at our house today!!! My husband got his plastic today after 115 days and I got my pin number today!!!! Yay!!!!

Yep, you got it, we did the 'Wally Walk' tonight and did it proper by even going to the sporting goods department! Of course they didn't have any .380s. :smash:

Hang in there one and all........there's hope.
by CHLady
Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:09 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

jsimmons wrote:I wish my wife "got it". I told her I'd like her to get a CHL so she can carry when she feels the need, or at least keep a pistol in her car, but she's been resistant.
She's probably like I was; afraid of guns! This would be a good thing you can do for her while you're playing the "waiting game" for your CHL. My husband was so smart about this. He put targets up on the wall and announced to me there would only be snap caps in the gun(s) until he told me differently.

During that time I got curious and shot at the target a few times, got where I could load the magazine and put one in the slide, could unjam a misfeed, I learned how to handle and check a gun to see if it was loaded, etc., and didn't have any fear because I knew there were only snap caps in the house for right now although I was taught to check it to be sure each time I picked it up.

The next hurdle was going to the range which for me was making sure I had foam ear protection AND ear muffs! By the time we went I was completely comfortable with the gun and just used my same procedures at the range that I had learned at home. I found out I was pretty good at it too.

I began to really enjoy it and got confident that I could use it to defend myself. Maybe it would work for your honey too. Good luck in finding one more thing in common and resting easy that she's safe.
by CHLady
Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:16 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

"joe817" That's a real knee slapper! :smilelol5:
Please joe817, don't encourage USA1! :smash:

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