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by philip964
Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:57 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: inheriting multiple AK 47's
Replies: 23
Views: 3723

Re: inheriting multiple AK 47's


This arrived today for my friend. It was Fedx'd. Each box weighed about 20lbs He's going to the range this weekend.
by philip964
Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:37 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: inheriting multiple AK 47's
Replies: 23
Views: 3723

Re: inheriting multiple AK 47's

Well happened much quicker than I thought. The friend bought lockable gun cases and transported an AK, an AR and shotgun plus two pistols in cases with his airline luggage. I talked with him in Atlanta, and everything went fine at the airport in Florida.

Of course I assumed he would get a straight flight here, glad he changed planes in Atlanta and not New York.

He says neither rifle is automatic.

It sounded like there were multiple dibs on the guns, so each son or son in law got one rather than all going to one person. He ended up with a 60's era Walther PPK and a first generation Glock.

Not sure if he gets to go back for more or that's it gun wise.

It would have made me a nervous wreck checking that many guns at the airport. (I've never done it) As far as I am concerned all the gun laws are just to put honest people in jail.
by philip964
Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:03 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: inheriting multiple AK 47's
Replies: 23
Views: 3723

Re: inheriting multiple AK 47's

jmra wrote:
olafpfj wrote:
philip964 wrote:
gregthehand wrote: As far as the AK check the safety lever and see if it clicks three times or it is just two positions. Three is full auto. Also if the receiver has three holes in the side over the trigger instead of two it is full auto. Just google "how to ID a full auto AK47." Lots of photos.

Three clicks on the safety, thanks.
If I understand correctly that would mean they are full auto!!! :shock:

That makes them NFA items and strictly controlled by the BATFE (and really big fires). DO NOT transport them or take possession of them!!!

I would recommend a lawyer ASAP if they are indeed equipped with a giggle switch.
I doubt he had time to check. I think what he was saying is "(need to check for) three clicks on the safety, thanks".
No one knew to look yet. I'm just trying to make extra careful my friend does not end up in the news.

Just to be sure - transporting "multiple semiautomatic AK-47's" with lots of ammunition in a trunk of a car from Florida to here, is a perfectly legal thing to do and they will not be confiscated in LA, if stopped for speeding.
by philip964
Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:13 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: inheriting multiple AK 47's
Replies: 23
Views: 3723

Re: inheriting multiple AK 47's

gregthehand wrote:I'm not sure i understand your question about getting them back to Texas. You just bring them back.

As far as the AK check the safety lever and see if it clicks three times or it is just two positions. Three is full auto. Also if the receiver has three holes in the side over the trigger instead of two it is full auto. Just google "how to ID a full auto AK47." Lots of photos.
He flew. UPS and insure them?

Three clicks on the safety, thanks.
by philip964
Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:52 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: inheriting multiple AK 47's
Replies: 23
Views: 3723

inheriting multiple AK 47's

A friend's step father has died at the age of 84. He will be inheriting a lot of guns and ammunition including what is described as multiple AK-47's ( I assume if it was two or three you would say, two or three) His step father was a very capable attorney and owned a large ranch. He was also a reloader, since he shot so much.

I suspect if his step father lived in a number of states, this inheritance would be an illegal transfer. However, he lived in Florida.

My friend is in Florida now. How should he get the guns to Texas? Are there any issues? I of course asked the question, does anyone know if the AK- 47's are fully automatic? The immediate reply was, how do we tell?

Being that I know zero about this, I am asking the questions here.

Thank you in advance.

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