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by philip964
Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:08 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: I hate the Un-affordable Obama Care
Replies: 159
Views: 23963

Re: I hate the Un-affordable Obama Care

There is a real need for insurance for people who can't get insurance. I have two friends who through no fault of theirs ended up with chronic diseases and no insurance.

That said. Seems the baby was thrown out with the bath water.

So far no changes for me, other than a new 75 dollar a month described by my insurance carrier as a tax.

I was going to loose my insurance in October, then there was going to be a problem, but then surprise, don't know why but now the are saying two more years before I loose my insurance. Obama kicking the can down the road, who knows.

But my big question, I currently pay about $3000 a year to the Harris County Hospital District in property taxes. So will this end, as there will no longer be needy people without health insurance? Thus no need for charity care.

Inquiring minds want to know.

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