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by philip964
Mon Feb 12, 2018 10:34 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience
Replies: 51
Views: 16124

Re: Interesting Non Car Buying Experience

What I liked was that True Car showed I could get about $2500 off sticker. I get to the dealer and every car has $2500 worth of dealer installed add on's like "fabric protector" "paint protector" etc. It was an in town dealer, as I didn't want to go to a way out in the country dealer as once they get you there I have found, for some reason the True Car guaranteed price somehow, due to fine print that discount, doesn't apply to you.

I took the dealer financing as it was 0 percent interest. Bank couldn't match that.

Even though I waited till December there were still tons of people buying because of the flood. Literally there were other people buying cars you were looking at. Made dealing tough. Plus it was the last day of the year as I wanted to get that last chance sales tax deduction before we made America great again.

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