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Man convicted of murder in parking lot dispute is attacked in prison by another inmate with a lock inside a sock. Five stitches to close the head wound.
He is now in protective custody inside the prison.
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- Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:39 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
- Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:47 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder ... 26748.html
Parking space enforcer sentenced to 20 years.
He is 48 probably now.
Interesting in the initial story the Sheriff said it was "stand your ground". Probably he had not seen the video.
Parking space enforcer sentenced to 20 years.
He is 48 probably now.
Interesting in the initial story the Sheriff said it was "stand your ground". Probably he had not seen the video.
- Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:02 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder ... 12996.html
Plastered as page one all over TV last night showing the video of the shooting over and over again.
Plastered as page one all over TV last night showing the video of the shooting over and over again.
- Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:46 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder ... _170853729
Self appointed parking lot handicapped space protector shooter charged with Manslaughter.
Self appointed parking lot handicapped space protector shooter charged with Manslaughter.
- Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:09 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
Saw this on ABC news big screen. The guy is shot at the point he turning to walk away. So it seemed on the big screen.
The news called it a parking dispute. Only at the very end did they mention the wife was parked in handicapped space and never said she was illegally parked.
They also emphasized the white on black killing.
I’m still thinking the DA failed to file charges in order to get the law changed.
The news called it a parking dispute. Only at the very end did they mention the wife was parked in handicapped space and never said she was illegally parked.
They also emphasized the white on black killing.
I’m still thinking the DA failed to file charges in order to get the law changed.
- Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:40 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
If this type of thing happens a lot, Florida will change their laws. I’m almost suspecting the reason he wasn’t charged was to create that situation. To me with the video, let a jury decide.
Secondly it makes it unlikely other states will consider protecting righteous shooters.
And much less likely liberal states will ever change.
Did I understand the woman was in the car?
I have waited in handicapped spots tow away zones etc. when parking was limited, figuring if a handicapped driver ever approached I could quickly move. Was I unreasonable?
Secondly it makes it unlikely other states will consider protecting righteous shooters.
And much less likely liberal states will ever change.
Did I understand the woman was in the car?
I have waited in handicapped spots tow away zones etc. when parking was limited, figuring if a handicapped driver ever approached I could quickly move. Was I unreasonable?
- Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:06 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
Crotchety old seniors may be a little safer in Florida today.
- Sun Jul 22, 2018 2:24 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
Re: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
Did the police ticket the widow afterwards?
Some one said it was the new Trayvon Martin story.
Doesn’t seem to have the legs, maybe due to the age of the. “victim/aggressor”.
- Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:15 am
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder
- Replies: 204
- Views: 62879
FL:Stand your ground law under fire for parking space dispute murder ... e-sheriff/
Man shoots and kills another man after being thrown to the ground over a handicapped parking space event. To me it would depend on if the original aggressor was attempting to harm the man on the ground a second time. The old man was not charged. Lots of sympathy now for the original aggressor, who died in front of his 5 year old child. Being a thug and parking in a handicapped space, is dangerous in Florida.
Video is hard to watch. To me the original aggressor had backed up as soon as he saw the gun, to me the gun had done its job without a need to fire it, but that is just how I saw it. The man may have been making threatening statements at the time the gun was fired.
Note to self: not your job to police handicapped parking spaces.
Edit: I originally said old man. He is 47 and that is not old at all.
Man shoots and kills another man after being thrown to the ground over a handicapped parking space event. To me it would depend on if the original aggressor was attempting to harm the man on the ground a second time. The old man was not charged. Lots of sympathy now for the original aggressor, who died in front of his 5 year old child. Being a thug and parking in a handicapped space, is dangerous in Florida.
Video is hard to watch. To me the original aggressor had backed up as soon as he saw the gun, to me the gun had done its job without a need to fire it, but that is just how I saw it. The man may have been making threatening statements at the time the gun was fired.
Note to self: not your job to police handicapped parking spaces.
Edit: I originally said old man. He is 47 and that is not old at all.