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by randomoutburst
Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:15 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Daughter got scolded
Replies: 45
Views: 7950

Re: Daughter got scolded

loadedliberal wrote:i think my 9mm Hornaday Critical defense JHP has plenty of stopping power thank you very much, its no 12 gauge but that might be a little much to conceal
That's what I carry, too! My grandfather saw my carry piece (1911 in 9mm) and said that he thought a smaller gun would have sufficed. I responded with, "I speak softly and carry a big gun." :mrgreen:

Anyway, I may eventually get a .45 but as for now we're keeping all of our firearms within the calibers we already own, just for ease of ammo collection and to keep our ammo expenses down. I rarely go anywhere without my husband, we both carry, and I think my ten rounds (and husband's 17 rounds) of 9mm Hornaday Critical Defense is plenty. If not, we each have two extra mags.

SA can sometimes be more valuable than the caliber of gun you carry. If you can avoid a bad situation or catch it early enough, you don't have to fire a round.

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