You forgot a step: Do not take a load of purchases out to the car, then return to the mall for more. If you put stuff in your car, get in it and leave. Even if you just circle the mall and park in a different spot, you'll throw off those who are looking for easy scores.Bill wrote:Last week I helped HPD with parking lot inspection of cars. We gave out report cards and left on them each car, I would say 20-30 percent out of 2000 card failed, either windows down, packages visible or unlocked. BMV is up 600% this year in houston. Do not leave valuables visible, lock your door
UofHdevildog wrote:My vehicle was secured completely and I had no valubles in it.
No stereo? No air bag? No CDs? There are lots of things of "value" to thieves, even though we might consider them ordinary and not worth stealing. Like someone said, the change in your ashtray is more cash than the thief had before breaking in.