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by drjoker
Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:27 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Two men came at me in the Parking Lot Tonite!
Replies: 131
Views: 21720

Re: Two men came at me in the Parking Lot Tonite!

ericlw wrote:i dont like those guys that go around trying to convert you.usually when they come to my door i ask if they want to have a 3 some.
:rolll :fire "rlol"
dubya wrote: They also seem to be a bit naive and unworldly.
That's because they're probably home schooled. Studies show that home schooled kids are less likely to experience teen sex, teen pregnancy, bullying, and score much higher on the SAT. The downside is that they're often naive and unworldly. But, if everyone were naive and unworldly, would that be such a bad thing?
by drjoker
Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:21 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Two men came at me in the Parking Lot Tonite!
Replies: 131
Views: 21720

Re: Two men came at me in the Parking Lot Tonite!

Chill. It's O.K. The Lord and Joseph Smith are watching over you. That's why you didn't shoot them and they didn't rob you. Quit carrying that heathen Browning and carry an AR pistol with Christian gun sights: Image . That way, the good Lord will make sure that your aim is true and the wicked shall feel the fury of the almighty!

You can also put cute phrases on your ammo, too: Image . Please help me choose a Christian phrase to put on my guns and ammo. I invite you to post cool passages and phrases (a passage from the bible or you may make up a catchy phrase). Thanks! :tiphat:

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