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by drjoker
Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:44 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

My local Whole Foods has a sign that says you cannot open carry because they sell alcohol, but you may carry concealed if you have a ChL. I iwll take a picture of it and post here the next time I shop there. My SO told me not to take a picture because she was in a hurry. Next time when I go there by myself, I'll take a pic.

This sign doesn't seem anti-gun to me. I'll continue to shop there. Their prices are actually not that bad if you buy in case quantities. They give you a 10% discount if you buy a case of any non-alcoholic packaged food.
GEM-Texas wrote:A Nov. 7 update or not?

The San Antonio WF on Blanco and 1604 has on it's main entrance - no 30.06 but new type of sign that says weapons are forbidden except if you have a CHL (not the old blue sign).

I didn't check the other entrance to see if it still had a 30.06. If they did - that would be contradictory.

Anyone else see this sort of thing?
by drjoker
Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:11 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:
LDB415 wrote:I can't imagine anyone carrying less than 100% of the time. Either that or where I am unable to know in advance when I will be in danger, others can miraculously know that for themselves. Until I develop that special talent I'll keep carrying all the time. Common sense demands it.
Some people work at a place where guns are banned by law and/or 30.06 posted. If the workplace provides armed security guards or off duty police officers then it's fine. Otherwise it woudl be immoral to ban guns at work. Anyways, if you can't carry at work, then you're only carrying 20 to 40% of the time when you go out, right?
I don't understand your logic. We have armed security where I work, but if a disgruntled employee showed up and started shooting people, when seconds count, they'd be minutes away, just like the police. Also, what if the first person they shoot is the armed security guard? Being way out in the country, as we are, the police won't be showing up for a long time. Anyway, I can carry at work, so I am armed 100% of the time. In fact, I'm sitting at my desk right now with a CZ 75 PO1 Phantom, loaded with an 18 round mag with another 18 round mag on my belt.
It's not logic, it's necessity. Some people have to work at the post office, 30.06 posted hospital (remember when ALL hospitals were off limits?), 51% bar, etc. If you have to work at these places, it is a little less odious if they provide an armed guard or an off duty police officer.
by drjoker
Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:06 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

tXfactor wrote:
drjoker wrote:Honestly, I am not completely comfortable with guns and I would refuse to go shooting with anyone who is. Such people are often careless with guns. That's a recipe for disaster. There should be a little voice inside your head that says, "be careful, guns are not toys, they're DANGEROUS if you're not careful."

She only carries when she visits her friend in South Oak Cliff by herself. I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.

Are you sure you don't vote Democrat?
Whoa, them's fight'in words, pardner!
But, seriously, why would you say this?! Do Democrats carry mouse guns? Hmmm, let me think, let's say that anything less than .38 special / 9mm in power (ft/lbs) is a mouse gun. Now, let me think of all my friends who own guns. Most of my friends are Rep/conservative, except for 2. These 2 own a .380 and a .22WMR handgun and they vote Dem! Does a higher percentage of Dems carry mouse guns? Is that why you said this? I don't carry a mouse gun usually, but I own some and carry them occasionally, when I want to keep a low profile. For example, if I'm visiting a gunbuster place (not 30.06), I'll carry a mouse gun. Most of the time, it's a G19 in 9mm.

Or is it because I have friends who live in Oak Cliff? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they vote Dem, but not I, no siree! There are certain people who I just avoid talking politics with. I'm pretty sure that most people avoid certain topics around the dinner table at family reunions to avoid starting WWIII. That doesn't make you a Dem, does it?

Or is it my admonition about gun safety? If you don't think gun safety is important, then I really have nothing to discuss with you. Complacency breeds accidents. When I was a teenager, I did not fear cars. I did not think that they were dangerous. I drove like a maniac. I got into a lot of accidents. I even wanted a motorcycle. Now, I work in the the ER. I see people come in all mangled. I fear cars and recognize that they're dangerous. I no longer drive like a maniac. It has been many years since my last accident or ticket.
by drjoker
Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:16 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

LDB415 wrote:I can't imagine anyone carrying less than 100% of the time. Either that or where I am unable to know in advance when I will be in danger, others can miraculously know that for themselves. Until I develop that special talent I'll keep carrying all the time. Common sense demands it.
Some people work at a place where guns are banned by law and/or 30.06 posted. If the workplace provides armed security guards or off duty police officers then it's fine. Otherwise it woudl be immoral to ban guns at work. Anyways, if you can't carry at work, then you're only carrying 20 to 40% of the time when you go out, right?
by drjoker
Fri Oct 10, 2014 11:47 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

Vol Texan wrote:
drjoker wrote:I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.
Your perception of CHL holders is (of course) based on your personal perspective - but I think that it might be different from that if you broaden your sample data.

Now, of course I don't have any broader sample than you do, but the observations within mine are much different, suggesting that there is some variance across the population.
  • I don't know what percentage of CHL holders carry all the time (or nearly all the time), but of the CHL holders that I know, we all carry well above 75% of the time.
  • And only one of my CHL holding friends has a mouse gun.
I think you're right (see my polls on this forum), most people don't carry mouse guns. The most common carry calibers are 9mm, .45, and .38/.357 per this forum's poll results.
by drjoker
Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:16 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

7075-T7 wrote:People do come around to ideas that they initally oppose.

It's the demonizing of guns that has happened over the years.
Yep, my wife thought that guns would go off by themselves if you're not careful, when I first met her. LOL. :biggrinjester:
by drjoker
Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

Dragonfighter wrote:
drjoker wrote:
gigag04 wrote:Dr. Joker,

I appreciate your support of the 2A.

That said, I'm curious why no guns at home? Any plans for protection against home invaders?

I have some guns stashed at the neighbors. My neighbor and I WILL be back to save my dog.

Some day, she may warm up to the idea of having a gun in the home. It may take a while like HD76's wife, but as long as she supports the 2nd A, her feelings will change some day.... It make take some time, that's all.
Not trying to be persnickety here, just curious. Your wife has a CHL but is not comfortable with weapons? Does she ever carry?

On another note about home invasions, there are plenty of them with people home that resulted in shootings, torture and brutal beatings. Many in "nice" neighborhoods. The statistical likelihood of any of us being involved in a violent crime are relatively small. Both I and my wife have exceeded that likelihood
by a factor of at least 300%.

My wife was not real active carrying since she quit working in a "bad" area. One condition red and she carries or has a weapon handy at all times. Thank God it only served as a wake up call.
Honestly, I am not completely comfortable with guns and I would refuse to go shooting with anyone who is. Such people are often careless with guns. That's a recipe for disaster. There should be a little voice inside your head that says, "be careful, guns are not toys, they're DANGEROUS if you're not careful."

She only carries when she visits her friend in South Oak Cliff by herself. I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.
by drjoker
Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:13 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

gigag04 wrote:Dr. Joker,

I appreciate your support of the 2A.

That said, I'm curious why no guns at home? Any plans for protection against home invaders?
My wife is like HD76's wife. When we got married, she had never touched a gun before in her life. She's since taken a CHL class and support the 2nd A, but guns still make her uncomfortable, so I respect her wishes and don't have any at home. Home invasions are actually quite rare. Thugs try their best (in Texas) to break into an unoccupied home for fear of being shot. 50% of Texans own 4 or more guns (per Dallas Morning News poll). A friend of mine's home was broken into while she was at home. The home invader mistakenly thought she wasn't home. When the crook saw her, he ran like the wind. We have a large dog and in case of home invasion, we'll just retreat in the opposite direction of the barking.

I have some guns stashed at the neighbors. My neighbor and I WILL be back to save my dog.

Some day, she may warm up to the idea of having a gun in the home. It may take a while like HD76's wife, but as long as she supports the 2nd A, her feelings will change some day.... It make take some time, that's all.
by drjoker
Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:55 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
Err... didn't I say that
My wife has a CHL... to let our legislators know not to mess with the 2nd amendment and our freedoms.
She is anything BUT anti-2nd A. Let me put it like this... I support the 1st Amendment, but I am not a news reporter nor do I write a newspaper column. However, I will vote only for political candidates that also support the 1st Amendment. Just because I do not personally write for a newspaper doesn't mean that I don't support free speech.

My wife has a CHL and we're in the NRA, but we do not have any guns at home. Freedom allows you to have a choice. You may not choose to do what the freedom allows you to do, but having that choice available is freedom.

God bless America!

P.S. No, not kidding muleman. I do have very cool neighbors. My next door neighbor vows he will "Joe Horn" anybody who dares invade my home. I vow to pay all his attorney's fees and hospital fees.
by drjoker
Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:38 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

teds787 wrote: "No Firearms" on the door as we entered. I told her it wasn't the correct format or verbiage so it did not apply to LICENSED carriers.

Ted S
they are non 30.06 compliant on purpose so that they'll placate the brady bunch while allowing chl'ers carry away, discreetly. That way, they don't tick anybody off and can continue to make money....

or maybe there's a secret cabal of gun ban sign posters purposely posting non-comliant signs.... heh heh..... :biggrinjester:
by drjoker
Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:34 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24511

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

teds787 wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Is she uncomfortable with the idea of your carrying a gun?
She thinks it's unnecessary. She keeps saying she has lived in some pretty scary places abroad just fine without a gun and the US is way safer than those places. I agree that the US is a pretty safe place, but then I say, "Complacency is a very bad idea." and, "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it." So, she makes fun of me and I carry. :patriot:

Ted S
My wife has the exact same attitude towards guns. Watch out! She may sell your guns when you're not look'in if y'all git hitched!

Anyways, as long as she believes in freedom and the 2nd amendment, it's ok if she personally has made a choice not to carry. My wife has a CHL only to let our legislators know not to mess with the 2nd amendment and our freedoms. However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:

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