tXfactor wrote:drjoker wrote:Honestly, I am not completely comfortable with guns and I would refuse to go shooting with anyone who is. Such people are often careless with guns. That's a recipe for disaster. There should be a little voice inside your head that says, "be careful, guns are not toys, they're DANGEROUS if you're not careful."
She only carries when she visits her friend in South Oak Cliff by herself. I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.
Are you sure you don't vote Democrat?
Whoa, them's fight'in words, pardner!
But, seriously, why would you say this?! Do Democrats carry mouse guns? Hmmm, let me think, let's say that anything less than .38 special / 9mm in power (ft/lbs) is a mouse gun. Now, let me think of all my friends who own guns. Most of my friends are Rep/conservative, except for 2. These 2 own a .380 and a .22WMR handgun and they vote Dem! Does a higher percentage of Dems carry mouse guns? Is that why you said this? I don't carry a mouse gun usually, but I own some and carry them occasionally, when I want to keep a low profile. For example, if I'm visiting a gunbuster place (not 30.06), I'll carry a mouse gun. Most of the time, it's a G19 in 9mm.
Or is it because I have friends who live in Oak Cliff? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that they vote Dem, but not I, no siree! There are certain people who I just avoid talking politics with. I'm pretty sure that most people avoid certain topics around the dinner table at family reunions to avoid starting WWIII. That doesn't make you a Dem, does it?
Or is it my admonition about gun safety? If you don't think gun safety is important, then I really have nothing to discuss with you. Complacency breeds accidents. When I was a teenager, I did not fear cars. I did not think that they were dangerous. I drove like a maniac. I got into a lot of accidents. I even wanted a motorcycle. Now, I work in the the ER. I see people come in all mangled. I fear cars and recognize that they're dangerous. I no longer drive like a maniac. It has been many years since my last accident or ticket.