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by drjoker
Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:23 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Front Yard Open Carry
Replies: 60
Views: 8293

Re: Front Yard Open Carry

Yeah, only the liberal anti-2A Hollywood version did not use guns. The original Detective comics version had a gun on his "utility belt". ... -guns.html

Hollywood has told this and other lies so many times that people believe these lies. As Adolf HItler says, "When you lie, lie big and when you tell it enough times, the gullible public will start to believe it." DNA tests show that he is actually part Jewish. ... 93568.html Hitler's father was Alois Hitler. Alois Hitler's mother Maria Schicklgruber did not list a father on his birth certificate and she was working as a maid in a Jewish house at that time. Next time you turn on the stupid box, I mean TV, remember, 99.9% of what you see on TV are LIES. Use the internet. It is the great truth finder.
Dragonfighter wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote: Everybody knows Batman did not carry a gun.

[ Image ]

by drjoker
Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:42 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Front Yard Open Carry
Replies: 60
Views: 8293

Re: Front Yard Open Carry

Here is the video of the guy in Richardson who open carries on his front lawn.
by drjoker
Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:38 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Front Yard Open Carry
Replies: 60
Views: 8293

Re: Front Yard Open Carry

Yeah, I know that guy you're talking about. it's that dude with long hair who lives in Richardson, right? I've seen his Youtube videos.

I say, "good for him." He's committed no crime, why should he be arrested? I think the OP and the guy's neighbors are anti-2nd A liberals. I've accidentally OC'ed in my yard many times, my neighbors saw it, and waved "hello" and smiled. I smiled and waved back.

No, he's not videorecording because he's trying to instigate something. There are many reasons to record video. I record video with a pen video camera I bought for $15 on ebay. It is a great way to make a video diary of your life. Also, I've been wrongly accused at work of something and the video cleared me of these false accusations. A police officer once wrongly tried to write me a ticket for running a red light in Austin and I pointed out the witnesses and video in my car so he only wrote me a "warning" for running a red light instead. Just like other folks in other lines of work, there are good police officers and there are bad ones. I always video record all my traffic stops. I bet Zimmerman wished he had video of Trayvon ambushing him and pummeling him.

If you're a good guy, video is your friend. If you're a bad guy, walking around while hiding your face with a hoodie is your friend.

Besides, I'm sure any daily CHL carrier has accidentally OC'ed on their property before. You go home, you cast off your cover garment because it is hot and it takes time for the A/C to cool off your house. Then, you realize you've got to check for mail, packages, and the papers, so you open the front door and walk outside, oops! You just OC'ed. You neighbors didn't make a big deal, so I don't see why this guy's neighbors should make a big deal.

I just HATE busybody neighbors. :txflag:

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